Chapter 6: Clubs

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Levi, Hanji, Erwin

Levi's POV

Not gonna lie, but after classes, Hanji had her club after school, so I joined in. Hanji was the club leader in her science club, and I was the kid that just hung around. Fortunately, her club makes a huge mess, and I kept myself busy by cleaning up after them.

One step inside the lab, I saw one of her best friend, or should I say assistant? Moblit... I remember him. I seen the way he looks at her, and he knew that he wouldn't mess with me.

"Ah, Hanji. You made it." He says, handing Hanji her lab coat.

She laughs, "Of course I came. Now, let's see what we can make to blow up!"

Groaning, I knew how painful it was to get rid of the marks off the desks. But, it made her happy... and I liked seeing her that way. "Just, don't hit me with the debris, okay?" I say, almost with a chuckle.

Hearing Hanji's laugh was like pure sunlight. "I'll try not to. It's not my fault that everything that I make hits you."

I glared down at her, "The fireworks for the fall festival last year? You totally aimed it at me!"

"Um..." Her eyes slowly gazed at Petra.

I turned over to see Petra organizing some flowers. Why did she aim at me? Remembering back to the fall festival last year... the fall dance was the day when we lit fireworks. The last day.

Petra walked up to me, holding a small array of flowers. In yellow, white, and pink. I remember she talked to me.

"Hi Levi..." She was so nervous as she spoke.

I remember my eyes lifted from watching Hanji lit her homemade fireworks. I promised that I'll watch it with her. "Petra... right?"

She giggled, "Yup. It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

"I guess so..."

Before any of us could speak another word, Hanji's firework whizzed past me. I felt the heat in front of my nose.

Turning to Hanji, she scratched her neck, apologizing. "Ah... sorry about that!"

But when she left to get some cotton candy, I remember her almost crying.

She shakes her head, "Well... sorry about that, okay?"

Scoffing at her apology, "Anyways, what are you doing for this year's festival?"

Hanji gave me that devilish smirk, which sometimes made me worried about what she was gonna do. "Using last year's data-"

"You're talking about me and almost hitting me with it?"

She ignored me, which usually meant that she was serious about her words. "I decided to improve some of my techniques, and hoping it would work with a bit more of a bang. Added more chemicals to make the colors brights and more gunpowder to make it go boom!"

I rolled my eyes, "Just don't hit me with it, okay?"


How could I forget about the fall dance? I know I was remembering it for Hanji's little firework accident... Erwin didn't ask her... right?

"Hey... Hanji..."

"Yeah?" When I spoke, she was adding some chemicals to a cardboard cylinder. Her fireworks.

"The fall dance... um, are you gonna go?"


"Depends on what?"

"Depending on whoever asks me out, and how busy I would be."

Maybe... my chance? "In other words, you're free, right?"

"You could say that..."

"Well... umm..."

Hanji's phone started to ring, and seeing the caller's name on it... well, it enraged me. Hanji picks up the phone and answers it. "Hello? Ah, Erwin. How's your club doing?"

Of course it was Erwin... who else. His club? Wasn't he... my eyes widen in fear. I know why he was calling Hanji. You dirty little rat! That's unfair!

"The dance? Um... someone was asking me... what?! Why would I say who was asking me, Erwin? Levi?! Why do you think it was him?"

I love Hanji whenever she gets me out of painful situations... like now. She's so sly... a fox... like a fox, she stole my heart...

"I'll call you back, Erwin. Lemme just think about that, okay?"

She hangs up, sighing deeply. My hand touched her hand, and she gasped at the touch. "You okay?"

That's when I saw some tears forming in her eyes. "I'm fine... I-I need to go to the bathroom."

It was all she said before she rushed out of the lab. "Hanji! Wait!" But it was too late... she left.

*   *   *

Erwin's POV

After hanging up with Hanji, I felt my hands tighten with anger. Levi must've asked her... and I hope she says yes to me and me only. We had permission to send out the email, informing everyone about the dance. And I had the head start.

"Erwin. What's up with that smile of yours?" I turned to see Nile Dawk just staring at me.

"Just asking someone out. You?"

"Tch, that Hanji girl again? Have you heard those rumors?"

"Rumors? What rumors?"

He chuckles, "Poor poor Erwin. He doesn't know the rumors that the girl's he's been falling for might be dating that bad boy."

"What? Levi? Heh, he wouldn't dare to date her. He hates crazy scientists."

"Then explain what happened at the courtyard... they were sitting under the cherry blossom tree... sitting next to each other-" He gasps, making himself laugh. "Oh, I could've sworn I saw them sharing food, holding hands, nearly kissing each other. That's an act of love, is it not?"

Did Levi just do that? If Hanji says yes to him... Levi Ackerman, you just became my enemy. We're no longer friends. Not unless you give Hanji up.

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

Crying in the bathroom stall, I couldn't handle the drama. I mean, Levi's pretty cool, and really hot with his intense stares... and Erwin's pretty hot when he acts so boldly.

When Levi and I were talking about the fireworks incident... well... maybe if he wasn't talking to Petra and watching me, it wouldn't have happened. The look on her face, priceless. She knew to not flirt with him when I was around.

But that was all before Erwin came up and started to flirt with me. Petra and I apologized about everything, and that if Levi took an interest in any of us, we wouldn't do anything.

How could I love Levi, but love Erwin at the same time? I just don't understand it.

Levi... I could tell that you wanted to ask me to the dance... the same goes to Erwin. They both asked... and my choices depends on it. Who would I rather go with? Which one agrees with my heart? Levi or Erwin?

Settling on what my heart wanted, I knew who to say yes to. I just hope the other boy wouldn't get too angry about my choices... but I think this felt right. Right with my heart. Please... I hope I'm not wrong.

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