Chapter 20: Airport

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Ymir's POV

"Heh, we're here earlier than expected." I say as we walked into the lounge where we were meeting up our group- as they called it, the Blue group. We were the first ones here.

Historia punches me, "Come on, Ymir. Let's wait for the seniors-"

"Waiting for seniors? Please. Anyways, you wanna grab something to eat?"

She nods, "'Yeah. I want some... um... maybe some sandwiches- or a bit of iced coffee."

"Coming up, milady." Since we signed up to be roommates, of course it's gonna a fun time here. Something about those other kids in our group... they sounded familiar... heh, what who am I kidding? Just some random thoughts in my lesbian head. Nothing more...

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

"Now... since all three of us seniors are here-" I started as we were walking to the area for our gate. Levi was standing really close to my right side, while Erwin was staying on my left, slowly catching up.

He rolls his eyes, "And look." Erwin points out to the area, only showing a couple people. "Only a few. What do you expect? They're not gonna be here on time."

Sighing, I went over to the people there. And surprisingly, I saw the same kid from the first day of school... not only he caught my eye... but he looked so similar... his brown hair and green eyes... it's like I had him in one of my projects, but the only time I knew him was when there was that huge fight in the courtyard.

"Well, let's do the best we can do right now, Erwin. Levi, can you please-"

"Get lunch? Hanji, I know you like the back of my hand, okay?" He says, walking over to the nearest food stall that was near.

"Thank you, clean~freak!" I shouted after him as we approached the group. "Now... may I have your attention?" Asking nicely wasn't gonna work now... so, I stared them down, raising my voice, just enough to scare them. "Listen here!"

They all stared at me in confusion, and that boy... the one boy I saw, looked at me. Like I was a nightmare or something. "Y-You..."

"I'm what?"

"I-I had a dream about you..."

Disgusted, I raised my voice even more. "Excuse me?!"

He shrinks back. "No... like my nightmares! P-Please don't cut my limbs off! Please don't!" He cries, moving back into his chair. The girl next to him, which kinda reminds me of Levi, holds her arm, protectively over the boy. "Don't hurt me!"

Chuckling softly, I think I scared him enough... "I'm just here to help take attendance, okay? Now... Eren?"

The boy who shivered when I spoke, raised his hand. "H-Here..."

I smiled, "I'll remember your name... Mikasa?"

"Here." The girl that looked like Levi raised her hand. Huh... they both share last names... Ackerman. Are they related? If so... Levi would've told me in the first place that he had a cousin or someone like her.

"Armin." A boy next to Eren raised his hand. Man, he was so quiet... "Got it... um, Annie?"

"Here." A girl with a cold voice responds to me as she raised her hand. For some reason, I should feel a deep hatred towards her or something... but I didn't have anything.


"I'm here! I'm with Bertholdt!" Says a boy with a short hair cut, blonde hair and blue eyes. His arm was wrapped protectively around the shy, tall guy. I'm telling you... they must be a couple. But still... I have a deep hatred for them as well... why?

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