Chapter 8: Dreaming...

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Hanji's POV

I laid in bed, without my glasses... slowly drifting to sleep. Quickly forgetting my little breakdown in the bathroom. Why didn't I kiss him when we fell into those bushes? I wanted... I wanted to kiss him so badly. It was my chance... but... it doesn't matter. If I accept his pleas to go with him to the dance... he better kiss me. I'll haunt him down if he doesn't do it. I will.

I was engulfed in darkness, not knowing where I was. Then, a bright light was shining onto my eyelids. Opening them, blinded by the sun's rays. It felt that I was in a cart, hearing the horses up ahead. Was it... pulling me?

Every time when I tried to move, I was greeted with pain. My arms felt heavy, so I couldn't lift them. I was so weak that I couldn't move. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Levi. He wore this... green cape. He looked... normal.

Suddenly, he looks at me. I see him straining to hold his smile back. "Hanji, you're awake."

I felt myself chuckle, "Think you can get rid of me that easily, shorty?"

"Tch, you're so childish. Maybe I should've left you to the titans, huh? Let you get eaten?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would. I hate saving your damn a-"

"Understood Levi. I'm a pain. But you love it... don't you?"

"Tch!" He looks up ahead, and I saw this weird blush in his cheeks. The sun wasn't burning too hot... so why was he red in the face? Seeing that redness in his face... I felt warmth growing on my cheeks. He turns over, "Erwin."

"Is she up?" His voice seemed so... calming, yet full of worry at the same time.

"Do you think I was talking to myself?"

"More like practicing your speech to her." The humor in his voice, made me laugh.

Levi glared at me, "What's the matter with you? You almost got killed!"

I stared right into his worried eyes. Full of horror, like he was afraid of losing me. "There's a lot of things that disturbs other people... you should know that. And, we always get close-calls from dying. It's not that impossible-"

"You're stupid to think that, Hanji. Don't you care about the others around you? Don't you know that they get worried whenever you put yourself in a dangerous situation like that?"

Smirking, I asked him a question that stuns him. Almost telling me the truth about him. "Name one person that worries about me like that. Tell me, and I won't do it, ever again."

The way his face turned red with embarrassment, was bound to make anyone laugh. "M-Moblit... for one..."

"I know that. Who else?"

"U-Uh..." He leans forward, and I see right through his stormy blue-gray eyes... they were clearing up from the cloudiness. "Just Moblit..." His cheeks became red.

"Levi..." I say, in a sing-song voice, "I know you're lying..."

How cute it was, seeing his ears burn up. The way his eyes darted away from me... how cute it was. "N-No... I-I'm not!"

"Stuttering is a side-effect-"

He stopped my words by kissing my forehead. "That's all you're gonna get from me, Hanji. Now please, leave it there."

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