Chapter 28: Dates

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Levi, Hanji, and Erwin

Levi's POV

Exhausted when we got back from the plane. But I had enough energy to take a bath. Once I was done, I felt so worried that I had to check on Hanji. And as expected from her, she collapsed on her bed, snoring away. Maybe... I wouldn't mind her not taking a bath this one night. I didn't want to wake her... or to force her too badly.

Walking into her room, small droplets of water fell from my hair, leaving a trail behind me. I felt the ground creak as I walked close to check up on her... to make sure she was asleep. As I leaned forward, it felt like that first day again. And did she look beautiful... even in her sleep.

I take her glasses off, setting them aside. Her chest rose softly, and lowered. Mesmerized... pushing her bangs away from her face... then her eyes slowly opened. Man, I saw her hazel brown eyes... "L-Levi... what are you doing here?"

Smiling, I kissed her cheek. Now, I just lost myself. "What? I can't check up on my girlfriend?"

Hanji's giggles never ceased to bring joy to me. "Aww... you're sweet..." She says as she pulls me down, where I was forced to kiss her lips. "Now... since we have tomorrow off for some rest, do you have some plans tomorrow?"

Rolling my eyes, I see how sly she was becoming to me. A fox... that is what she is. "You want me to take you out on a date? Is that it?"

Her eyes lit up, "Aww... where to?"

"Hanji! I don't know!"

"Maybe we can go to the mall..." I was already tucking myself in Hanji's bed, too tired to leave to my room. Besides... she doesn't mind. I just hope she doesn't push me off the bed.

Sighing, I didn't know how to respond... or to act in this relationship- Hanji's my very first girlfriend! Ugh... I must be the worst kind of boyfriend that anyone ever had. "Maybe... but for now..." I kissed her forehead, wrapping my arms around her.

Ever since we were at the castle, it was normal for me to hold her as we slept. Something about it made it feel... comfortable... I nuzzled my head into her shoulder, falling asleep while doing so.

"Get some sleep... okay?"

"Alright... good night..." My eyes were about to shut before she whispers her last word, "shorty..."

*   *   *

Erwin's POV

Next Morning

Getting up, I immediately called Hanji. Hopefully... we can be just friends again. Hearing the ringing tone as I dialed... I know her... I know that she would be up at this point.

"Hello?" I hear Levi's voice, all grumpy, as per usual.

Frustrated, I demanded an answer. "Why do you have Hanji's phone?" Then, a weird conclusion popped in my head... were they... "Did you guys-"

Levi became panicked; I hear it in his voice. "Hanji's in the bathroom, so I answered it. I couldn't stand hearing it ring the whole time as I made breakfast! You must be crazy to think those kind of ideas, Erwin. Jeez."

Well... at least that was better than what was in mind. "Anyways... I called to talk to Hanji."

He groans, "Like I said. She's in the bathroom. I'll take your message."

My left hand clenches, I didn't want him to know... but, I guess I have no choice. Knowing Levi... he's stubborn... "I want to ask her if we can hang out... not like a date or anything... more like, an apology."

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