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I sat on the edge of my tub, nearly begging to scream, yet holding back from the cramps I was having. I tried rubbing my stomach, but it seems that the baby wasn't to happy about that either, so I clung onto myself like a big baby.

"Please pull through, little pea," I cried out a little louder than I intended to. "Mommy is in a lot of pain." I reached for the pregnancy-safe pain killers that the doctor had mentioned to me: one more left.

I sighed of relief and placed the pill on my tongue, grabbing my water bottle from the sink top and swallowing the pill. And now we wait.

My mind scrolled through many mental images, me attempting to forget about the incredibly painful pregnancy cramps I was having. Not to my surprise, the only thoughts that came up was of Jahseh. It was always Jahseh, Jahseh, Jahseh. Like he was a damn lifeline.

It was then when I realized I was rather annoyed than anything, and no longer in any pain. I sighed of relief and wiped the tricking bead of sweat off my upper lip before getting up from the tub and walking to the kitchen. I grabbed my phone and dialed Kyah's number.

Before I could even think about what to do with myself on a late Sunday night, she picked up within the first ring.

"Listen here, you little twat! For the fiftieth time, I am not going to buy your new TV package, and if you keep calling me, I will report you to the police! Got it?"

"I swear, you and Charli never fail to amaze me," I smirked and laughed a little, rubbing my stomach while sitting by the island.


"No, the Comcast guy—yes, Carmen!" I snorted.

"Oops!" She giggled. "I thought you were the stupid marketing guy that kept calling me today. I wasn't having it anymore."

"Yeah I could tell," I laughed.

"So what's up, girly? Why'd you call at 10:30 PM on a Sunday?"

Do I tell her about my cramps so she can act like my mother, or do I just tell her I'm bored and can't sleep?

I sighed and shook my head. "I was having really bad cramps and there's absolutely no way I'm getting sleep seeing as how the concert down at the venue is about to crack my windows—who's even playing there?"

"Ummm..." she hummed for a second. "I'm pretty sure it's that one French DJ? What's his face, Guetta? Who knows," she shrugged. I'm guessing she shrugged. I'm pretty sure she shrugged.

"Okay, well, can we go take a walk or something? I'm kind of hungry and little pea inside of me could use a little trip right now as well."

Yep, she sighed. "I'm on my way."


"No! And he told me he was single and kept winking at me, and what do I see five minutes later? That little bastard kissing some nasty-looking thot!"

We were on our way to the venue since we were within walking distance, in the mean time Charli of course was telling us about her recent boy fiasco. Seems to me that she has one every week, if not twice.

"Girl, that's why I'm Lesbian. No problems for me," she shrugged, playfully grabbing her shoulder and pulling her into a side-hug. "You don't need to keep looking for love, Charli. Do you not realize how you attract the wrong crowd every time you look for someone?"

"I do not!"

"You very well do!" I butted in.

"See?" Kyah raised her eyebrows. "Carmen agrees with me. You can't look for love. You go about your daily routines until love comes looking for you. And that way, you don't have to worry about attracting the wrong crowd, because when love happens for a reason, it's not wrong, it's damn-near right."

I smiled to myself and tuned out, allowing them to bicker alone. What if I was looking for Jahseh this entire time? Maybe that's why things ended the way they did. After all, Kyah wasn't wrong. Before Jahseh, I had fallen in love with someone I would've never thought about, and that was my high school's biggest nerd; he photographed outdoor scenery like an absolute professional. Was I even in love with Jahseh? But really, was I really looking for love in Jahseh? Was I ever in love with him at all?

"Hey," Charli clapped her hands in my face. "Snap out of it."

I blushed, "sorry."

"Frankly, I tolerate your bullshit because you're my best friend, and I force myself to tolerate it even more now because you're pregnant, but this? This was uncalled for. This is too much. I bet you were thinking about that idiot XxxTesticles again."

"XXXTENTACION," I corrected her silently, almost a squeal that left my lips.

"Jesus Christ, Carmen. You're going to give birth, when, in less than a month? And you're still hooked—nearly obsessed with this nobody! Get over him, Carmen! He has done you no good but rather bad. You don't need bad in your life. Not now, not ever."

Before I had time to even think about how to respond to her moment of truth, a crowd of screams came running toward us. We couldn't necessarily make out what was happening, although we were nearing the crowd. From where we were at, it looked like a crowd of teenagers screaming.

"Well that's just disturbing," Kyah muttered.

"Why did we even come here?" Charli scrunched her face together in a confused look.

"Because Carmen needed a walk, and I thought that one French guy—"

"David Guetta?"

"I'm absolutely not surprised you knew his name immediately," Kyah rolled her eyes.

Charli shrugged. "Hate to break it to y'all though, but Guetta isn't playing today, that's next week."

"Then who's playing?"

I blinked, trying to see the crowd a little clearer. I made out a body on top of the crowd.

"I always thought crowd-surfing was at concerts, not a street away from the venue?"

They looked at me and shrugged, looking back at the growing crowd that kept getting closer to us.

"I don't know if we should be here, Carmen. This seems dangerous," Charli gulped, eying the roaring crowd.

"We want justice! We want freedom! We want the world to listen!" A voice roared. The voice on top of the crowd.

"I really don't think we should be—my God."

"Carmen let's go."

And before they could even save me from seeing the one pair of eyes I ached to see so bad, yet made me the most miserable, I saw them.

I screamed out in pain, a scream bottled up inside of me from the moment he walked out the door. I felt wetness trickle drown my leg, a transparent liquid that caught everyone's attention.

"Charli, she's going into labor, call an ambulance, now!"

I fell on my knees, my heartbeat growing slower by the second.

"Please hurry, my friend is going into labor!"

Sounds faded from my eardrums, and I felt light in the darkness, and the only thing left for me to see was those pair of eyes.


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