🏅 another important announcement!

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hey everyone!

I'm so sorry I'm writing another announcement instead of updating; I'm in Hungary right now (my home country) and I'm going back to Chicago tomorrow, which is why I updated twice today, so I can make up for possible setbacks.

I am going to try to update once I get back home, however here's what you need to know:

I'm Hungarian at heart, so me leaving tomorrow is going to be a HUGE setback. I'm very emotional and nostalgic as it is, so I may not update for a few days. I swear though, I really will try!

I also have school, and an audition I have yet to prepare for, so I repeat: it's going to be hectic, and this will be a setback, but I'm going to try to update during whatever free time I have.

Furthermore, I would like to sincerely ask all of my readers to please follow me if you haven't already, I will be updating all my followers on this book and when the next updates will be coming up, etc.

And lastly, WE RANKED #123 IN RAPPERS!

Thank you guys so so much once again, I really wouldn't be able to do it without you. Like I told one of you guys, I was going to delete this story until you guys, my frequent readers, started voting and commenting and actively reading. Thank you so much guys.

— carmen

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