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"Mom, look at him, he's so cute when he giggles," I tickled Michael's tummy ever-so-gently while my mom came over to watch just how adorable his giggle was.

Today is my last day in the hospital. I spent a little more time here than I intended to, but two days in the hospital wasn't too tragic. My mom slept in my hospital room both nights, as did the girls—which was unexpected but sweet of them. Nevertheless, I was ready to go home.

"He is a real cutie," she caressed his cheek for a couple seconds before sighing and sitting back down. "You ready to go home?"

I nodded with wide eyes. "For sure. This place is a little too...discomforting," I shivered. "Plus I have yet to show baby Michael his room, isn't that right Mikey?" I giggled, looking down at my smiling baby.

"I just want you to know, Carmen, that all three of us are sleeping in your apartment for a little while—"


"—No, Carmen, no 'Mom' this time. You have one guest bedroom, I'll sleep there. You'll sleep in your bedroom, and the girls have decided to sleep there too. Leave the baby to me, I'll make sure he's well-nourished and has no problem sleeping."

"Wait—Kyah, Charli, where on Earth are you planning to sleep in my bedroom? I have a big bed but it's not big enough for all three of us!"

"Sure it is! Plus, if you feel uncomfortable, we'll turn the room into a sleeping fort."

I sighed and smirked at all three of them. God knows I wouldn't be able to function without any of them.

The door opened, and my doctor came walking in. "Good morning, Carmen! I see the family still hasn't left!" He chuckled and smiled at all three of them.

"Just here to support my daughter," my mother grinned; my 'baloney' sensor went off real quick. My Mom insisted that I do all the talking at the hospital because she's shy; what is this sudden talking now that the doctor has walked in? I raised an eyebrow at my mother as she blushed a light shade of rosey-pink.

He smiled at my mother, a kind gesture not to be misunderstood, but knowing my mother, she was going to assume he had a thing for her. "I love that." He turned to me. "You should be good to go! Let me just go sign off the papers for your release and the baby's, and we'll..." he trailed off, his eyes shifting confusion towards the hallway.

"Sir, you cannot be in here!" A security guard's voice boomed throughout the hallway, resonating into the room.

"I'll be back," he looked at me and smiled, rushing out of the room and shutting the door behind himself.

I looked at the girls and shrugged. I'm sure this happens often.


Mom was in the kitchen, cleaning all of the baby bottles we had made sure to set up next to my sink in case anything happened. So far, Michael seemed to prefer breastfeeding more than anything, but we'll see how long I can take it.

I rubbed his tiny little back as he slept on my shoulder. I sat down on the couch and turned on the television. This little "time to myself" wouldn't last more than 30 minutes, seeing as how Michael was a very active baby for a newborn.

I groaned when I saw Chef Ramsey on the screen. "Absolutely not!" I clicked the channel after channel.

"Turn on CNN if you're not sure what to watch," Mom spoke up from the kitchen, cleaning the countertop.

I switched onto CNN as she wished.

"Thank you Mary, and now onto breaking news: rapper XXXTENTACION was recently caught trying to fight security guards at St. Joseph's Hospital in Orlando, Florida. The young rapper claims he was there to visit a family member, although there was no legal patient checked into the hospital at the time. More information will be released, and until then, he is under further investigation."

What channel was Chef Ramsey on again?

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