0.8 | a new beginning

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It's been a month since Kyah and Charli walked out of my life; we haven't talked since. My mom stayed to help around the flat for a week, until we realized that in order for me to move on, I needed to leave for a while. So that's exactly what I did—what we did.

I've been living in my mom's house for about 3 weeks now, and even Michael seems to like it here a lot more. New York really seems to be treating us right. Mom even suggested I sell the flat in Orlando and stay here, but who knows how long I'll be able to love New York? Seasons change not just in the atmosphere but in people too, although I'm hoping I'll love New York forever; I wouldn't mind staying.

I deleted the girls' numbers and unfollowed them on social media, as I did with Jahseh as well. I figured that it wasn't good for me to keep them tied onto the string that I hold and am in control of. There's no point, life is too short.

Furthermore, I have sent in a college application and have decided to go back to school to get my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Sure, Psychology isn't the richest idea for a girl with a child in a big city, but Psychologists get paid a decent amount in the city; plus I already have my Undergraduate degree in it, I'm not going back to change anything.

"Mom! I'm going out for a little while!" I yelled from the downstairs kitchen.

"Okay, when are you coming back?" She looked down from the balcony.

I shrugged. "I won't be out for too long, you know how Macy is."

Grabbing my car keys off the marble counter, I opened the garage door and drove to the next block of our neighborhood and waited for Macy in front of her house.

Macy was the one makeup artist in New York City that has been featured in pretty much every movie that has been made in the past 5 years. She's not a party-animal like Charli, or a hyperactive clean-freak like Kyah, or loud like the both of them. She's just very original, diplomatic and honest. The nice thing is, her son is Michael's age, so we can juggle between my Mom and hers whenever we leave.

"I'm so sorry, my mom barely got home so I had to put Henry to sleep this time," she breathed heavily while getting in the car.

I laughed, waiting for her to buckle her seatbelt before driving off into the city. "We're both in the same shoes, remember? I don't judge!"

She smiled, "good."

"So where to?" I asked, stopping at the red light by the first intersection.

"I was thinking we should try that one avocado place? You know, where they make everything out of avocados?"

"I know exactly what you're talking about, and it's been on my bucket list for the longest time actually, we might as well try it out!"

We ended up sitting at one of the corner tables, waiting for the waitress to bring us our lemonade.

"So anything from the people in Florida?" She asked, putting her phone face down on the table.

"Not that I know of," I shrugged.

"Alright! Here are your two freshly-squeezed lemonades! Are you ready to order?"

"Yes we're—" my phone began to ring.

"Sorry one moment," I nodded at Macy to begin ordering while I picked up my phone.

Unknown number.

I scrunched my eyebrows and hesitantly picked up the phone, putting it to my ear. "Hello?"

A raspy voice from the other end. "It's me, Jahseh."

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