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"Let's think this through, now, Carmen. You know what he did the first time, why would you risk it a second?" My mother sat back in the sofa, eying the baby monitor displaying a peaceful Mikey in his white crib.

"I'm thinking this through—"

"You're really not—"

"I would agree with that—"

"Okay, maybe I'm not!" I groaned, burying my face into the palms of my hands. "All I know, is that this little boy tried getting past security guards to see his son. Why would I prohibit him from doing so?" I looked up.

Kyah's jaw dropped. "Carmen, you literally just called him a 'little boy' in your own sentence. Why would you let someone like that into your son's life? If you cannot respect him for many important reasons, then why should your son be expected to?" She slapped her thighs in annoyance. "What, just because they're biologically related? I couldn't care less!"

"Breaking news: we have just received more information on rapper XXXTENTACION's break-in attempt at the St. Joseph's Hospital earlier today."

I eyed Kyah before grabbing the remote and adjusting the volume.

"Mr. Onfroy claims he was there to visit his newborn son, who after further investigation, turns out to belong to his ex-girlfriend, Carmen Martinez. Onfroy states he meant no harm for anyone, he just wanted to see his son."

We sat in silence for a minute before I switched the television off and got up, my jacket immediately in my hand along with my car keys.

"And just where do you think you're going? You're not seriously thinking of going to see that lunatic, are you?"

I sighed and turned around to face the three exasperated women sitting on my couch.

"Mother, Kyah, Charli. I'm not going to see 'that lunatic'. I'm going to see the only person that can mend my heart from eternal breaking."

With that, I walked to the door, unlocking it and slipping out into the cold hallway.

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