~9~Heart race

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(Lol I know y'all are prolly gonna hate me but...) 1 year later
Jimins POV
It's already been year and we've become super popular. Princess thinks that her group is more popular but I have to disagree. Now that both bands are super popular, Princess and I only hang at night which I love. Every time I'm with her, my heart races quicker, my stomach is twirling, and my ears turn red. All the guys know about her and they call her SJ even though they know her real name but won't tell me. I honestly could look it up but I want her to tell me. She still hasn't responded to my question from last year

Hey I was wondering if you would like to go out with me? I don't know you're name but I feel connected. I also understand you're point of view so just let me know

I ask about her view a lot and it's always an answer that makes reality hit you. She once said 'love is just a saying. It's only temporary till you find someone else to satisfy you.' She was right. A lot of people do that but I want to be with Princess for the rest of my life.

We were on a break and so princess and I decided to go to a cafe and talk. I just decided to a wear cap and mask while she decided to wear a cap and sunglasses. Today I was planning to go to the cafe with her and then go to the park. I also wanted to ask her why her point of view changed because I remember her talking to me about how it wasn't always like it but then changed the subject before I could ask anymore questions.

I started to head out before telling everyone that I'll be back later. I went to pickup Princess from her dorms since it was on the way to the cafe. Our dorms aren't that far apart so sometimes we walk there or they walk here. We all get along really well. Once I got there, I honked twice to signal I'm there. Couple minutes later, Princess came out and even thought she's wearing the simplest clothes, she looks gorgeous. I keep starring at her until she got in the car. She greeted me while I responded back with the same. We then made our way to the cafe. We're on winter break for school and we only had two more days of break and I wanted to spend them with Princess.

We finally made it to the cafe and I found a table while Princess went to get the drinks.

Sinjaes POV
I heard honks outside. I check my window and see Jimin out in his car. Why didn't he just text me. I chuckled a little before I got my phone and wallet. I walked downstairs to realize I forgot my hat and sunglasses. It's winter and I don't necessarily need sunglasses but it's only to cover my face. I ran back upstairs to grab them before I headed downstairs again.
"IM GOING OUT. SEE YOU LATER!!" I yelled to the rest of my band mates.
"WHERE?" Rin yelled.
"OHHHHHHH" I didn't even need to see Rins face to know that she was smirking. Last year when I started to feel things, I told Rin about them and she said love but I didn't believe it. As I made my way to the car though, it happened. This isn't the first since last year. It happens every time I'm with Jimin. I have a surprise for him at the end of the year. Can you guess it? It's my name. I know it's kind of a bad gift but I know he'll like it. Maybe...

When I got in the car, I felt flustered. He looked really handsome. I just ignored it and greeted him and he did the same to me. We made it to the cafe and I went to order drinks while Jimin went to find a table.

I got the drinks and we head out to the park to hangout. As we were walking, I could feel Jimin glance at me once in a bit. I don't know if it was just me but I'm pretty sure he did. We arrived at a park and both of us sat down on a bench. It was silent at first since both of us were enjoying our drinks. I didn't mind it. It felt comforting. Being with Jimin a lot is really comforting but I always feel the need to be with him. Suddenly, Jimin spoke up,
"What happened to you that changed your perspective of love?" I turned to face him but he was looking down and I can tell it was of embarrassment. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He continued.
"It's ok. I don't mind sharing it with you." I looked up at the sky before continuing. "In high school I got a boyfriend. I thought we were gonna last forever. Little did I know though, it wasn't." Finally Jimin looked up as if he was guilty even though it wasn't his fault. "He didn't go to school that day and told me he was sick. I went to his house after school to see if he was ok and I wanted to surprise him... but as I secretly walk in, I heard..." I gulped rethinking of it. It made me sick. I was about to open my mouth again but Jimin beat me to it. "You don't have to finish if it makes you sad." Jimin said. I chuckled a bit as he gave off a confused face. "It doesn't make me sad, it makes me sick. Anyway I heard... moans from upstairs. So I checked it out and I saw him fucking with another girl. I ran away and the next day I broke up with him but he gave me an answer I least expected... he said I was just a bet and he lost interest." It was silent and I was waiting for Jimin to answer. I looked up and...


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