~15~ Lucky

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Jimin's POV
I'm on my way to pick up Princess from her dorm. I'm so excited to see her. I love her with a passion. I wanted to talk to her about making our relationship public. I love ARMY as well but I want the world to know that she's mine. I sound selfish but isn't that okay when it comes to love?

I arrive at her apartment. I walk up to the door to be greeted by my sister. She eyed me up and down and then called out to Sinjae.
"Sinjae!!! You're boyfriend is here!!"
"Ok coming!!"
(That's you're dress)

"Sinjae!!! You're boyfriend is here!!""Ok coming!!" (That's you're dress)

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She came down in the most beautiful dress ever. She looked so gorgeous I couldn't stop starring. I was stuck in a trance till Yeji said something.
"Close your mouth before bugs fly in." She chuckled.
"Sorry but just. Wow!"
She looked away shyly "stop please."
We both left with the girls behind in a different car. I held her hand while steering the wheel with my other. I started rubbing the back of her hand. I peeked over and saw her looking out the window with a slight smile on her face along with a little blush.

I can't keep my eyes off her. She looks absolutely stunning.

Sinjaes POV

We arrived at the party and I told Jimin I was going to go get some drinks. While I was on the way there, someone blocked my path. I looked up only to have my eyes be met with Minjae's . I immediately furrow my eyebrows. Why is he here? Who invited him? I thought. I just decided to say them out loud as well.

"Why are you here?" I question with a tone of annoyed.
"Honey, didn't you know? I'm an actor." He said.
"First off, I'm not your honey. Second, you would be a great actor since you lied about everything before." I state as I try to go around him. Instead of me getting past him, he decides to move as well, blocking my view again. I look up furiously before turning around and trying to walk away.

He immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me into one of the guest room. I kept trying to twist and turn out of his grip. It really stings. I'm going to have a serious mark. He closed the door and pinned me to it with my wrist above my head with one hand. I tried to kick him but he just pressed his body against me. I tried screaming but his other hand covered my mouth.

"Shall we finish what we started in highschool?" He whispered in my ear. I kept trying to struggle out of his grasp and scream but my twisting and turning didn't help and my screams became muffled. Someone help please.

Jimins POV

Princess has been gone for some time. I was just talking to people until Jungkook came up and whispered something to me.

"Someone took SJ to a guest room. It looks sketchy."

I quickly walked over to the hallways and went to the guest room. I know this place like the back of my hand. There have been many parties here and sometimes I get bored and snoop around. I find one of the doors close. I quickly barge in and I see I sight I never want to see.

Sinjaes POV

Someone aggressively opened the door. I turn to see the one person I needed. My eyes were blurry from my tears but I could still see. Jimin. He quickly lunges toward Minjae and punch him right in the place which quickly released me. I run towards Jimin hugging him out of fear and searching for comfort. He quickly leads me to a bathroom in the hallway making sure I wasn't in sight of others or near Minjae.

He put his hands on my shoulders and bent down a little to make sure his eye levels with mine.

"What happened?" He asks. He wasn't mad. He was concerned. I could tell by his eyes. I just looked down to avoid his eyes
"I went to go get some drinks. He blocked my way and I tried to get past him but he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a room and said 'shall we finish what we started in high school?'and pinned me to wall. It could've gone worst if you haven't gotten there." I state.
"Well I'm lucky I got there in time." He says as he uses his finger to lift my chin up to make eye contact again. He then gives me a small kiss on my lips.
"I'm lucky I have you." I smile and pull him into a hug.

After the party, I went to bts dorm. The bts meme era decided to get a drink but Jimin and I wanted to rest. I went to his room then the bathroom and took off all my makeup while putting on some of jimins clothes. I walk out of the bathroom and see Jimin in bed on his phone. He looked in my direction and put his phone away while patting a spot next to him.

I laid next to him while staring at him. He noticed and started to stare back. He kept looking at my eyes then glancing at my lips and I was doing the same. I got sick of starting and leaned in. He responded to the kiss. It later turned into a heated makeout session but it got a lot further (dirty children. I will not write smut so think how you and Jimin did it) but I didn't mind. I love Jimin. He's given me so much happiness that I didn't deserve.


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