~10~Least Expected

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I waited for Jimin to answer. I looked up and he lunged forward and kissed me. I was too shocked. Why didn't i push him off? I don't know that answer but what I did do was kiss back. It then turned into a very passionate kiss. During it, I realized we were in public and people were probably staring but I didn't care. This felt right. His lips were warm and plump and it was comforting.

After our moment, we pulled away to catch our breathes and I immediately turned away because of embarrassment but he grabbed my chin gently and pulled me back. We made eye contact and it felt like time was frozen. He pulled me into a hug and of course I returned the hug. While we were hugging, he breaks this silence we had, "Unlike that idiot of a guy, I want to be with you forever because I truly love you and if I could stare at you forever, I would because time stops for me when I look at you. I understand if you would decline this but will you go out with me and be my girlfriend, princess?"

I was in awe. My mind said no but my heart says different. I've known Jimin for almost a year and he stayed with me without knowing my name. He also never did anything to any girl and we tell each other everything. My heart beats every time I'm with him. Can he change my perspective or love? I think he already has.

"Sinjae." I said. He gave me a confused look but I stuck out my hand and continued. "Kim Sinjae. Nice to meet you Park Jimin." I smiled as I waited for him to take my hand and he did but unlike a regular hand shake, he pulled me in to hug me. "God. Even you're name is beautiful. How am I this lucky to have met you?"
"I should be the one lucky to meet you. You helped me see through the fog. I hope you are different."
"Don't worry. I will guide you to wherever. I don't care where you go because I will 100% be with you." He wouldn't let go and and it was warm and cozy but at this point I was worried. I didn't want to ruin jimins reputation for a scandal with another idol. I pulled away and smiled finishing our day with, "I'd love to be your girlfriend." He was super excited he started jumping like a little kid which made me chuckle. He then grabbed my head as we headed for the car.

We got to the BTS dorms where I greeted everyone and started to head to Jimins room. He stayed back and decided to tell the guys but only when I was in his room. Right when I was in his room I heard screams and some boys saying "finally!". It made me chuckle. I started to look around before Jimin walked in. As I was roaming around his room, everything seemed different even though I've been here a million of times. I couldn't help but smile to myself. This smile of mine wouldn't go away. I loved it. I didn't realize that Jimin walked in the room till I felt someone back hug me and drag me down to the bed. I turned myself to the person who wouldn't let my smile leave my face.

"Why are you smiling to yourself?" He asked chuckling. I chuckled back but I didn't say anything. I just responded by putting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him as he did the same.
"I think I'm gonna stay the night." I sat as I get more comfortable.
"Anything you like."
There wasn't a second where my smile didn't leave my face. I loved it. I love him and I didn't realize. Jimin opened my eyes and gave me a different perspective I didn't know existed. Thank you. It's what I least expected.


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