Lost Cause: Damion's POV

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I was at the grocery store with my mom and little sister buying food to make for dinner. We were in the dairy isle when we heard a gunshot at the entrance. Everyone began to scream an cry for help.

"Dami what's happening?" My little sister Fae asked.

I held her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Everything is going to be okay; just stay with mom okay," I said walking towards the commotion.

Three men dressed in black and had black masks covering their faces stood at the front with guns in the hands and a bag on the floor in front of them.

"If everyone chooses not to cooperate then all of you will die," the man in the middle said.

I stood my guard and watched them walk around the group of people they commanded to lay on the floor. My mom and sister were still in the diary isle scared and on the floor as well.

"Now if all of you would be so kind as to remove all your valuables and put them on the floor in front of you," the guy on the left said.

Everyone began to murmur and soon began removing all of what they had that was valuable. From chains, wedding rings, money and other jewelry; it was all on the floor. The middle man began scooping up the items and placing them in the duffle bag.

"You look like a tough boy," The man on the right said to me as he walked over to me.

His eyes looked cold and empty. I was beginning to get scared but I couldn't show it.

"You want to be the first to die punk?" He was now standing in front of me.

I tired to look away but I felt a cold metal getting pressed against my head; it was the thief. He held his gun right in the middle of my head with his finger on the trigger.

"Leave these people alone. You got what you wanted now leave," I said in a loud enough tone for him alone to hear.

He suddenly chuckled and slowly removed his mask from his face. He looked to be in his late forties, had blue eyes and dark brown hair. He had a small cut on his temple that looked to be an inflicted wound.

"Now I want you to see the person that kills you right in front of all these people," the man said firmly.

I couldn't fight him off or run away; I was about die. Suddenly I heard little footsteps coming from behind me; no.

"Leave my big brother alone!" Fae shouted.

The man looked down at her as she had her hands on my leg and moved the gun away from my head. He had a smug grin on his face. As he pointed the gun at my sister's face.

"Maybe this one will be your replacement in heaven," he put his hand on the trigger.

Without warning the man shot my sister in her chest. She slowly fell but I quickly caught her before she hit the ground. She was now crying and putting her small hand on her chest where the man shot her.

"Dami, it hurts," she started coughing on her blood.

Tears streamed down my face as her crying became softer. I put pressure on her wound making her wimper and scream. Everyone was now screaming for help even louder.

"It's okay Fae, it's going to be okay; just don't close your eyes," I gave her a light smile.

She just nodded slowly as her hands fell to her side. She started to call for my mom as the man began laughing at us.


He was about to walk away, but someone hit him hard in the head with a crowbar; my mom. She was breathimg hard as the man fell to the ground. The other two men were going to come towards us but then they heard a siren from a distance. They cursed under their breaths and were deciding whether to leave the other guy or not; they left him.

"Somebody call the ambulance please," my mom begged.

Someone grabbed a phone and dialed the number for the ambulance. I looked down at Fae and her body was getting cold.

"Fae, look at your brother, please look at me," mom begged her as I held her hand.

Her eyes were slowly opening and closing trying to hold on to dear life. Mom was crying beside me and stroking her hair. The ambulance said that they would be there in five minutes; that was so fucking long.

"Mommy I'm tired," Far said in a soft voice.

She was trying so hard to hold on; my dear sister.

"Just hold on baby; hold on for mommy," mom said.

Fae gave us a light smile, until it slowly faded. Her breathing stopped and her eyes were wide open; she was gone. My little sister was dead.


"Mom you have to be strong for me; you can't go away now," Tears were in my eyes.

My mom was in the hospital suffering from lung cancer because of her smoking addiction that started after Fae had passed away. She was really broken about it and she blamed me for my sister's death.

"You are not my son, I will be with Fae now and leave you all alone," she coughed threw her words.

My heart sank from her words. She said I wasn't her son; how could she say that? She was in the hospital bed, taking her lasts breaths.

"Mom I'm so sorry," I started to cry.

"I will never forgive you for letting Fae die," she said softly.

I looked at her as her breathing became more slower and her eyes slowly began to close. When they finally closed a single tear fell from her eye and the heart monitor made a noise signalling that she was gone. My mom died with the hate that she had for me.


It was my first day at East High School after being alone for so long. I didn't know how today would turned out but I give it a shot. I arrived late on purpose so that I avoid a few eyes and questions from everyone. I made it to the principal's and registered for school. After my mom's death she left money in her will in case she passed and me and my sister would be without her but my sister never made it that far.

Once I registered, the principal, Mr. Frost, carried me to my first class; Physic. I stood outside waiting until he called me inside to be introduced to everyone. This would be the class I stay in for the last year of school. Mr. Frost called me inside and I walked in. A bunch of girls made noises of approval as they saw me. I knew that I looked really handsome but I wasn't interested in any of them.

I scanned the room until my eyes locked unto one of the girls that was staring at me. She had beautiful blue eyes, dark brown hair, and pink lips. She was looking at me from head to toe as I looked at her; something was so familiar about her. Suddenly my eyes widened as I realized who she looked like. She had similar traits of the man that killed my sister. The same blue eyes and brown hair that he had, she had them.

My blood boiled as I came face to face with who looked like to be the offspring of a cold blooded murderer. I walked down to a seat that was behind her and sat down. I was just staring at the back of her head. Could she really be his daughter? Suddenly she turned around and looked at me. Her eyes were so beautiful and hide such pain. She turned back around and I shrugged in my chair.

Who is this girl?

I know most of yall gonna be saying-

"But that doesn't explain his current behavior though".😒😒

No worries you guys will know why eventually☺☺

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