Chapter 9- A Start of Something New

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Chapter 9-

Stella got home from her long day at the hangout and the soccer game. Pretty wild!  Being known as one of the biggest couples in school wasn't really started to sink for her. It sounds like one of those big celebrity couples everyone talking about like Jelena. But anyway, Stella just dropped her bag on the floor and went over to the kitchen for a glass of water. 

"Huh?"  Stella saw a note on the counter and pick it up.

"Dear Stella,

Megan and I are headed to grandma's cottage this weekend at the beach. If you wanna come, give me a quick call on your cellphone, sweetie. Just to remind you, you need a car ride from your aunt  -Luv you, from Mom" 

Stella read it in her mom's voice inside her head. "Oh gosh, I forgot that I had to go. Great."  Stella got her cellphone and call her mom and told her that she was coming. "I am not going with my aunt! No way! The last time she has done for me was leave me at the gas station and ditch me. That is not going to happen!" She marched upstairs to her room and packed some of her stuff in her bag and got on the phone. She went to her contact list and first saw Niall and decided to call him instead.


"Thank God you're here Niall!"  Stella locked her house and ran to Niall's car and jumped right in. Niall started the car and droved off.

"No need to thank me Stel!  What's the 911? You should like you were going to scream"  Niall continued driving.

"I have forgotten to go home early today because I have to go to my grandma's cottage which is a pain"

Stella sighed "I'm totally need to get a car so I could drive anywhere, smh" Stella sighed and look at the car window.

"Awwww you don't want to be with me?"  Niall pouted, giving the cute puppy face. Stella knew she couldn't resist that  adorable face, she can't say no to.

"Awwwww Niall don't worry!  I'll always be with!  No matter what!" Stella pitched Niall's cheecky cheek. Niall's face turned lightly pink, leaving that adorable smile. His smile lights up her world like nobody else.

While they were driving something unexpected happened on the road....

"What the hell just happened?" Stella asked, looking at Niall worried.

"I don't know...let me go check" Niall stepped out of the car and opened the front of the car.  "I don't see anything wrong Stel! ..."  Niall closes and step back from the car, confused but worried.

"Ummm... maybe you should check this, Niall" 

Niall went and looked through the car window "Oh..."  Stella pointed it out "Yeah you forgot to pump the gas, now it ran out" Stella pointed. She got out of the car.

"Aargh my mom and dad are gonna flip!"  Niall rised both of his arms and put it over his head, behind his neck. "Plus my blackberry is out of battery! I can't call!"

"Don't worry Niall, we'll find a way."  Stella patted Niall on the back.

They were in the middle of no where, far away from London. It was deserted, no cars whatsoever. They waited for half hour and no one came by. All there was a bunch of trees surround down the narrow road, leading into one direction... which Niall got a plan.

Niall stood up from the car "I have an idea, follow me!"  He started to walk up the hill. Stella ran and catch up with Niall.  "Where are we going Niall? We gonna leave your car behind!"  

Niall stopped in front of her and hold Stella's hands and look into her eyes. "When I said we're going to spend some time together... you know... alone"  Stella nodded. "... Yeah what about it?"

Niall chuckled "That is what we're gonna do right now"


After a long walk, Stella and Niall were tired and mostly hungry. They look everywhere for a place to stay for the night. It was getting dark outside, until something bright ahead show up. It was a sign to a motel.

"Oh my gosh!  There's a motel!"  Stella exclaimed, finally relieved. Niall pulling Stella's hand as they ran to the motel to get inside. 

"Finally! Thank goodness!" Niall taking a seat on the couch in the motel sitting area. "I'm so tired and hungry!  Haven't eaten anything for a while!  I'm starving"

"Yeah! Me too. I want---"  Stella got interrupted. "What is with people interrupted me these days" Stella gave a look up at the manager.

"May I help you two with something?"  The manager of the motel came over. Niall stooded up quickly. "Yes, we need a room to stay in. Do you have one?"  The manager nodded "Follow me"  and headed.

Stella and Niall followed him all the way down the hall to their room. He opened the door with the pass key and gave it to Niall. "Here's the key"  and walk away with a smirk. Stella feeling a little terrified with the creepy manager and went in with Niall quickly.


 Outside the balcony, Stella standing, staring up at the stars at night. "This has been a long day. First, its leaving Harry, made him feel upset that I left, he was about to tell me something, sounds like something urgent. Then forgetting about the stupid trip to the cottage and now Niall's car. This feels like my fault, dragging Niall into this but most importantly Harry". Niall coming out from the bathroom with a bag of chips.

"Hey what's wrong?"  Niall asked while munching on them.

"Nothing's wrong... it just.." A tear stream down her face. "Its been a heck of a crazy day, you know?" Niall put his chips down and put his arm around Stella. "Hey its okay" Stella leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I drag you into this mess I made with you driving me to my grandma's cottage. Its all my fault. If I didn't forget to go home earlier, I would have made it with my family."  Stella cry a little bit more.. leaving out the info about Harry. She didn't want to tell Niall about that or it would make it worst.

"Stella, this is none of your fault. Don't blame yourself for this. I know I'm kind of forgetful when it comes to my car and stuff but I'm actually glad I'm here with you. That is all that matters right now. I'm wrapped around you, so I'll never let you go"  Niall holding Stella tightly around his arms.

Stella holding back her tears, turned around, hugging Niall. "You're such a big Belieber. I love you for that"  Stella chucked and smiled. Niall laughed.

Niall whispered "Haha, I know I am. This will be just the beginning of our little adventure together, babe"  He kissed Stella's forehead as they both look up at the stars."I love you too."

Chapter 9! :)   A nice close up on a Nella's cute moment!  Next chapter is going to be wild and intense!  So stay tune!  I got some comments/ tweets about Stella and Harry... which are pretty interesting so far haha.  Keep commenting or tweet me what you think!  p.s I love you guys for reading my fanfic #muchlove

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