Chapter 12- Getting to Know You

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Chapter 12-

Stella, Niall, and Harry all made it to the cottage. It was huge!  The cottage was up on a hill, it was just spectacular. They went around the back door that lead up to the kitchen. They set Niall down on the couch in the living room across with a fireplace and flat screen TV above it.

"I'll be right back, need to get the first AID kit!" Harry shouted as he ran down the hall. Stella standed in front of the fireplace and look all around the cottage. She couldn't believe her eyes. Everything around her was expensive furnitures and a lot of other stuffs she couldn't name. She was speechless.

Harry came back, running with the first AID kit. He sat on the other couch while Niall is lying down. He opened the kit and got the bandages. He ripped a big piece off and wrapped it around Niall's leg.

"Ouch... aargh careful!"  Niall still a little in pain. He bit his bottem lip and close his eyes.

Harry got off the couch, finshing the final details. He rubbed his forehead and fixing up his curls. "Okay done. It would be better if you rest, Niall."  Niall nodded. "Alright"  and lay down on the couch, falling asleep already. Stella gave Niall a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear "Goodnight, Nialler" and stepped back.


Harry's POV

Harry stooded from the side, watching Stella every move. Stella turned around "Hey... ummm... do you know where the closest bathroom is?"  She stooded in the middle of the living room as Harry was by the kitchen counter.

"Upstair to the first door to your left"  He pointed to the staircase on his right. Stella nodded and said thanks.

Stella headed up to the stairs and turned left down the halls. Then something caught her eye when she walked by the room. She went in and saw a bunch of CDs, all types of guitars, a huge stereo, drums and a lot of other things. Stella walked in slowly, taking the view of the amazing room in. It was incredible. It was like being in a recording studio. 

"Pretty cool right?"  Stella jumped around and face Harry as he lean against the door frame with one leg crossed to his left. "Oh gosh, you scared me!" Stella holding onto her chest, trying to breath properly. Harry walked around the room with his hands inside his two front pockets. "I'm sorry if I scared you"

Breaking the awkward slience, "So what is this room for anyway?" Stella asked.

"I have a thing for music, I guess.."  Harry shrugged. Stella went over to his rack of CDs collection and pick up one of the albums "Haha so you like Elvis Presley?"  showing him the album.

Harry quickly grabbed the album "Yeah been listening to him since I was little... he's quite a legend!" putting it back on the rack with the others. Stella chucked "Hey I'm not insulting him, I think he's pretty good too.. you know, just saying"  putting both of her hands up, defending herself. Harry laughed and smiled shyly.

Stella looked all around once again the room. "How could you live in this cottage?  Like how can you afford all of this?"  Stella dying to know. 

"Well... actually my stepdad bought this place for me whenever I want to hang out with my friends or just alone. Included the furnitures and the other expensive stuff that he also bought."

"Wow!  You're lucky!"

Harry shrugged and wandered around to the doors of the balcony opening them as he walked out. Stella slowly moved around and caught up with him outside. Harry sighed, standing with his arms crossed. 

"What's wrong Harry?" 

"Sometimes I'm not always the lucky one"  Harry looked down and frowned."What do you mean? Like look at all of this!"  Stella showed the view and inside the house.

"Its not like that, its much deeper than that..." Harry turned to Stella. "You're gonna be the first one to know this because... well... I haven't told anyone else this... but ummm... my family is torning apart." Harry sniffle, trying to hold onto to his tears. Stella got closer to Harry and pat on his back.

"You see, my mom and dad got a divorce when I was about six years old.. and from that point I couldn't bare to watched my dad leave me and my sister Gemma all alone with my mom. I had to be the man of the house, taking charge for once, for my family. Ever since then, years now, I got a stepdad. Its hard for me to explain but it was a troubled life." 

"Well.. at least you have a stepdad now. Isn't that a little bit better?"  Stella asked.

"Yeah I guess.. but sometimes I don't like to be spoiled with all these expensive stuff, you know" Harry grinned. Stella laughed "Yeah true.. I know exactly how you feel about your family. I been there before" She paused and wiped away a tear from her eye.

Harry got serious "Really?"  Stella nodded and wiped more tears from her eyes. "Yeah.. my mom and dad got in a huge fight causing Megan and I to cried every night. It wasn't pretty at all. The constant yelling back and forth. It was a pain in the ass. My dad left me and Megan without even saying good bye. It was horrible. We struggled a lot but we're trying to put the pieces back together. At least you have a stepdad that is there for you, Harry. Remember that?"

Harry's eyes were pouring down his face as he try to turn away, not showing his emotions. Stella faced Harry and chuckled "Haha are you crying Harry?"

Harry quickly wiping away his tears "Nooo I'm not, its part of my allergy. I tend to cry.. umm... when its at night? ..."  Stella laughed "Sure ok, I'll believe you"  Harry nodded and smiled with his cheeky dimples.

They both stared up at the starry night, listening to the sound of the waves crashing. Stella realized there is more to Harry than she least didn't expect it. He wasn't just the cool popular guy. Deep down, he was actually pretty kind. They got along well and they are sort of alike in some ways. The point is to not judge a person by how they look but something special and unique, by just getting to know them. 

Chapter 12!   I hope you like this chapter!  I got some writer's blocks when I try to write this chapter. I try to make it good for you lovely directioners to read it :)   I just want to say thank you so much for reading my fanfic!  Its means so much to me that people actually like it!  Or love it... but anyway keep commenting or tweeting me what you think!  Don't forget to vote too!  

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