"You're On Your Own"

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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
July 11, 2017


Toews blasts a zap of yellow energy across his living room.

The energy zips straight at an apple standing on top of reclining chair. It makes contact with the fruit, blasting it against the wall.

The apple drops to the floor, scorched and bruised.

From across the room, Toews warily lowers his hand with wide eyes on the reclining chair. John is standing next to him with narrowed eyes and his hand on his chin. Sitting around the room on sofas and chairs are the rest of the GHP members.

Toews turns to John with a nervous grin. "It didn't worked, did it?"

Emily holds up an apple with a bite from it. "Nope. Still good." She takes another crunch bite from it.

Toews lets out a huge huff of frustration.

"I will sanction you to essay afresh." John extends his hand toward the reclining chair.

With a soft gust of wind, the apple whirls back into view from behind the chair and placed gently on the top of the backrest.

Toews narrows his eyes at his target with determination. He pulls his two fists by his ears as they build up in energy. He then throws them out in front of him, releasing a streak of yellow energy.

The energy strikes the apple, smashing it against the wall into chunks of juice and meat.

Everyone stares at the sliding mess in shock.

Emily then holds her intact apple in the air. "Still good." She takes her third bite out of it. "Mmm, juicy!"

"Ugh!" Toews throws his hands down to his sides, releasing a quick zap at the ground. "How am I gonna manipulate all of reality if I can't even manipulate apples!"

John places a supportive hand on his shoulder. "Stoicism, kid. Rome wasn't constructed in a twenty-four hour period."

"But Connor's kingdom was," Jonathan points out from the sofa flatly.

Jake straightens up from resting his head on Brett's shoulder with wide eyes. "Wait... There's something Connor did that was weird."

Everyone else turns to face him with interest.

Brett furrows his eyebrows at him, adjusting his position. "Everything about M'David is weird."

"No, no—" The goalie shakes his head vehemently. "His eyes glowed! His eyes glowed when he was about to manipulate reality." He peers up at Toews. "Maybe your eyes are supposed to glow to change reality."

Toews raises his eyebrows at him. "Oh!" He shakes his head. "Nah, that has nothing to do with manipulating reality. That's just a physical sign of him being in his super form."

"'Super form?" Sidney makes a confused gawk at him. "What's a 'super form'?"

Toews furrows his eyes as he swishes his head to peer at each power player. "How can you guys not know what a super form is?"

"We've never heard of it in the actual reality," Dru replies sternly, sitting on the armrest of the sofa closest to him.

"Wow." Toews scratches his head with raised eyebrows. "Well—" He drops his hand and eyebrows. "—when one is in a super form, they are in a state of their powers being enhanced, including unlocking new related powers, depending on your abilities. It's practically unlocking your full supernatural potential."

Sidney has knotted eyebrows at him as he rubs the back of his head. "So Connor can make his powers better?"

"Not just Connor— Also the other owners of the hockey leagues."

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