young and stupid..

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max. a 16 year old angry, fluff with an attitude. neil. the 17 year bill nye of the 20th century. and finally nikki, they wild child of her age. the trio of friends where finally in their junior year of high school. neil was nervous..wait no that's a understatement he was about to have an anxiety attack at the first mention of this coming school year. max and nikki, on the other hand, where not nervous at all for this school year.

"it's just another stupid school year, with stupid subjects that will never give us any help in the future" max commented to his two friends.

"i really wish you wouldn't say that..
it's making my anxiety go back up..." neil whined.

"awe come on anxiety boy you will be fine." max says slapping neil on the back. "and besides it's not like you will meet a handsome guy that will meet your gay needs~" max cooed to him.

"now it just sounds like you are foreshadowing this situation.." neil commented back.

nikki pushed both boys aside and walk in-front of them. "will you two stop talking about your gay relationship! i mean just date already god damn!" nikki said walking backwards and facing max and neil.

neil's face flushed a light shade of pink as he came up with a retort for nikki comment. "nikki why would you say that? i mean yeah we have been friends for like 7 years but wouldn't dating one another ruin our friendship..?" neil said not really sure of his answer.

"wow that was gay." max said back.

nikki walked behind the two boys and jumped on neil's back. neil ,whom was not ready for the sudden weight, stumbled a bit before adjusting to the light weight of the girl. nikki was a twig , neil was like paper thin, and max was a twig too. they were all heading into the schoolyard to grab their schedules. when they arrived there was a crowd of anxiety filled teens with acne and body oder. max, neil, and nikki where the only teens there with a reasonable looking appearance.

"okay so we need to grab our schedules and see what classes we have together and then we can book it out of this hell hole." max said. the trio left to get their schedules.

when they got back they aligned their schedules the results where this:

1st hour science: max and neil
2nd hour gym: trio
3rd hour social studies: nikki and max
4th hour algebra: max and neil
5th hour french: trio
lunch: trio
6th hour ELA/ ELAB: neil and max
7th hour free hour: trio
(not in high school so bare with me please👏🏻)

the trio of friends cheered at the fact that they had most of their hours together. they placed their schedules in their bags and exited the school. they were going to go back to max's house because his parents where gone for the week or month.? nikki has to bail because gwen wanted to take her 'shopping' but we all know it was for lady needs.

"man it's been a while since it's been just me and you neil." max said to the curly haired male.

" yeah it has been a while max.." neil sighed out smiling. he was happy to have alone time with his life long friend.

the two teens enter the empty house and shut the door behind them. it had started getting colder outside as the school year was approaching. it was still warm enough to wear shorts but not quite warm enough to go swimming. it's quite odd at this time of year indeed. max and neil both sat down on max's couch. both boys silent at the moment. it was awkward, mostly for neil, he didn't like a silent pause in conversations. he started to stiffen up a bit but relaxed at the sound of max about to say something.

"so what would you like to do.?" max asked neil.
that's was a first
max wanted to know what others wanted to do. props the the person who taught him that.👏🏻

"i-i don't know.." neil said with a bit of a stammer.

it's not that neil wasn't warmed up to max. he was completely it's just he didn't know what to say that won't set max off.

"well then i guess we will die of boredom.." max commented rolling his eyes.

neil chuckled and turned to max. "i'm already dead you are talking to my ghost."

max laughed and said, "that's why i like you neil. you make anything funny." he finished and placed a hand on neil's shoulder. neil's face started to flush a light shade of pink on his pale skin. neil has always been gay. it was just how he was but being gay for his best friend.?

max put his hand on neil's cheek and looked into neil's baby blue eyes. neil's face only got redder. 'max wasn't gay was he?! maybe his is and is trying to give me a hint? no! neil don't be stupid he doesn't like you he is a tough guy and you are a wimp..' neil thought.

"w-what are you d-doing max..?" neil asked.

max pulled his hand away and replied, "just lookin"

"okay." neil replied a blushing mess.

[my boys being gay🏳️‍🌈]

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