a night of mischief

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i felt my spirt leave my body when max put his hand on my check. why would he do that? he said he was ' just looking' or something like that. i knew there was something more to this.

"you sure you were just looking.. you put your hand on my face max.?" i said.

max's face showed a light shade of pink. cute. man i'm gay.

"i was just looking at your eyes that's all.." max said red faced.

neil blushed a bit and looks at max. "did you like them..." i asked trailing off at the end.

max looked at him dumbfounded and opened his mouth to speak. "they...were um.. lovely.." he blushed.

my face become redder than a tomato. i coughed got up and walked outside for some fresh air. the fresh, cool breeze of the outside air filled his lungs and he loved it. what was up with max tonight. why was he acting so gay. i didn't know. max is complicated to read. he has a tough outside but a soft outside. it was confusing. it really was..

third person
max was sitting on the couch mentally killing himself for what he said. he was a blushing mess. he had always loved neil. since he first had his eyes on the baby blue eyed boy. his eyes were max's favorite part of neil. the way the sparkles at the first mention of science. max fell head over heals for that. he didn't know how nor why. when neil walking back into the room. their eyes meet. that's when max went crazy. the love in max's eyes was about to kill him. the way neil's eyes popped drove him nuts. neil sat down next to max and faced him their eyes still connected. max started to lean in. i know what your thinking ' it's only the second chapter why are they kissing.?' well it's doesn't matter and it's a fanfic so deal with it! max put his hand on neil's check again and leaned in. neil connected their lips and wrapped his arms around max's neck. max kissed back and deepened the kiss. max blushed and pulled away and looked at neil's eyes again. neil's eyes now read that he wanted more. more than anybody could give. max's face read well he didn't know.. it was a mix of confusion and confidence.

they both blushed and leaned away from each other.

"uh sorry that was stupid.. i did something stupid..." max said. he got up and started to walk away but neil grasped his arm before he could run away anymore.

"you did something amazing" neil whispered to him.

(sorry it's shoooooooort ;-;)

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