it was an stupid mistake

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third person
max and neil both didn't know what to say after there kiss they shared. it was like they didn't know if it was on purpose or accident.

"we don't speak of this.." max said. max was also saying that they both don't speak of this considering neil was currently dating Harrison the 'wiz kid'.

neil quickly nodded his head blushing and got up.

"i-i better be g-going max..." he stuttered. max's heart slightly broke at the fact that he knew he was leaving to go see harrison.

"fine but you better not lose your virginity to a wiz kid or i will disown you." he said. neil chuckled and nodded. neil exited max's house without a sound. max just sat in his seat for a few minutes and finally got up. he walked to his bathroom and took his anti depressants. he soon made his way to bed for another sleepless night.

(time skip)
max woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. he turned the noisy machine off and got out of bed. he did his morning routine and left to go see nikki and neil.

when max arrived at nikki's house he was greeted by gwen. he said his hellos and walked inside. he walked up to nikki's room and saw nikki and neil sitting on her bed. max sat in the floor in front of nikki and neil.

"so what do you guys want to do today?! go spray paint a building!" nikki said. neil and max both looked at each other.

"but here's the thing do you want to go to jail today.?" neil commented. nikki shook her head 'no' and sighed.

max couldn't help but feel like the only single person there. it made home feel lonely? he looked at nikki then at neil. he looked at neil's neck and noticed the marks on his neck. he sighed and looked down.

"what's up max?" nikki asked.

max just shook his head 'no' and continued to look down. i was like max to act like this, but it just blew off in a few minutes. max continued to be down all day. it concerned nikki and neil. mainly neil to be honest. neil was fed up with max being so sad all day. when nikki went back home neil asked max what was up.

"max what is wrong with you?!" neil said facing max.

"nothing i'm just having a bad day that's all." he said looking down.

"is it because that you are single and me and nikki are the one people who have a love life! if it is then you should go out and find the person you like!" neil told max.

"it's not that is bill nye. the person i like is already taken.." max said and started to walk towards his house.

max's parents recently moved somewhere out of the country. max was alone. he had to be honest he was happy that he didn't have to deal with his parents.

max walked into his house and closed the door. not even five minutes later there was a knock at his door. max looked at his front door and went to open it.


okay sorry this is late i was busy with things! so if you have any suggestions for what i should do next comment it and i will think about adding it in! ❤️❤️

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