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    "why did you run after me.?" I said

"because.. max, i want to help you with your problem.." neil said.

i sighed knowing he couldn't help me. "no it's ok as you said i need to do this by myself.." i said as i closed the door on him.

i walked upstairs to get ready for bed. i brushed my teeth and washed my face and went to bed.

time skip

third person

max doesn't wake up, he sits up from the sleepless night he just had. he looks at his bedside table at the photo of the trio when they were about 10. he looks at the way the boy he loves stands. with his arms crossed and his face all embarrassed.. he sighs lovingly but hops back into reality when he hears the doorbell ringing through the house. he puts on some shorts not bothering to put on a shirt knowing it was either nikki or neil.

  he opened the door and saw neil standing at the door tears falling down his face. max let him in due to the fact that it was raining outside. max shut the door and grabbed neil a towel and sat down with him on max's bed. "what happened?" max asked.

   "h-harrison broke up w-with me.." neil said his breathing was unsteady.

   max looked at him stunned and in disbelief. "i'm so sorry..." max said and looked at neil.

   neil looked back at max. they shared a moment of starring at each other. max was more than pissed at harrison for leaving neil heartbroken. he wanted to get back at him but he will figure that out later in life.

    neil wanted max so bad. max wanted neil. the rain tapped on the window as they sit in silence. max leans in and places his hand on neil's thigh. (damn max he only just got dumped •-•) neil blushes at the males actions and leans in as well. their lips meet and it was like a switch went on. a spark of light in the boys lives went off. the two boys were playing with fire. they were complete opposites max was a tough guy where neil was the innocent one. they were fire and ice. yet they still were attracted to each other.

   max deepened the kiss the two shared by moving his hand up and down the boys thigh. neil's hands falls back behind him holding him up for support. max pulls back and looks up at neil. "wow..." neil said blushing.

    "d-damn i'm sorry dude! i got ahead of mysel-" neil cut max off by kissing his lips.

            "just shut up will ya"

(A.N.) HI! um so it's been a while like a long ass while! so i have a instagram! go follow me it's max.mp4__ ! i post some edits there and all that jazz! so i will be updating this book more often now so please read and share this with yo friends :) love ya and thanks for all the love ❤️✨

the high school tough guy (max x neil)Where stories live. Discover now