Chapter 7

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Hey everyone, thank you all for reading, and I hope you're all enjoying it :)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Madeline Stowe as Jared's mom ----->




What the hell was that? I thought, I felt a jealous rage seeing Jared kiss that whatever his name is. I know he isn't mine per say but still I know he liked me so why the hell is he going around kissing other guys. My lips are the only ones who should be touching his, they were made for each other.

Thinking back to our almost kiss earlier made me blush and regreted not just going for it, but I couldn't let people see that i'd be ruined.

"Hey I asked what the hell?" Violet shook me out of my thoughts with a demanding tone

"Uhh nothing, can we just go?!" I wasn't in the mood to be interrogated right now, I just wanted to clear my mind.

I headed to class, walking as fast as possible dragging Violet with me. She kept nagging but that was usual for her, lately everything she did was bothering me, I think I was getting tired of her.

"Hey no kiss goodbye?" Violet kept complaining as we reached my first period, I didn't even walk her to her class this morning. I wasn't feeling any of that and I wanted to have a little talk with Jared about that little kiss.

"Yea sure, here" I leaned in and gave her quick peck on the lips and hurried inside my first class.

Jared was already in his seat texting someone, I hoped it wasn't that guy Sean, hey I finally remembered his name. Well you know what they say, you gotta know your competition. Was I really eagerly pursuing a guy, I sounded so wrong but every time I was near him it felt so right.

I took a seat behind him and waited for him to swing around to talk to me but nope...nothing, earlier today it looked like he wanted me. What the hell happened, It's probably Sean. No I don't lose that quickly I'm Eric Milner, everyone wants me! Right....?

I gave his shoulder a tap to attract his attention.

"Hey, so do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Uhh yea I do actually, why?" Jared smirked, he seemed pretty pleased knowing what he was doing to me.

"Well how about you cancel them, I wanna come over tonight" It was more of a statement than a question. I leaned forward waiting for an answer seeming way to eager.

"I can't I'm hanging out with Sean" Jared said giving me a smirk

"Ditch that loser, tell him you can't...tell him that you have other plans" I really didn't want him to see that guy I didn't like him.

I think I was getting a little jealous that he would rather spend time with him than me, I'm not a bad guy I can be fun too.

"Well why do you want to come over?"

"Because I want to spend time with you" Crap did I just say that, It was dumb but I guess sweet, maybe that's what he wants.

Jared's eyes flickered with what I hope was happiness, he looked right into mine right before saying anything.

"Ugh umm---Sure fine i'll let him know I can't" Jared seemed taken back by my earlier remark, like it was strange. I'm not all that bad, well not all the time anyway.

"Alright, you won't regret it" I gave him a wink and he chuckled lightly and blushed while turning back to face the front of the class.

I had him just where I wanted him, I knew my charm would work. Now I just have to make sure not to screw this up tonight.

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