{7: I'm Not Dangerous}

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madison's pov. conference room, avenger's complex, usa.

I sat, with my hands clasped in front of me, head down. Awkwardly waiting for the rest of the team to react, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

The guy Aliyanova called Tony spoke first.

"Sorry, you expect us to suddenly trust this kid? We don't even know what happened to her. Last time you "trusted" her, you ended up in recovery." His voice was laced with disbelief and contempt.

Ali shook her head. "I was barely injured."

"Still. Why should we trust her?" The guy Ali insisted wasn't her boyfriend, Steve, spoke up. His arms were crossed, making his biceps flex even further, and he leaned against the wall stiffly.

The others nodded, with a couple murmurs of assent.

"You shouldn't." I spoke up slowly. I could feel the others suddenly turn their gaze towards me, including Aliyanova. Shaking my head, I slowly lifted it and looked around.

"You shouldn't," I repeated, "I get it. I wouldn't trust me, either. But...I'm different. If you knew my story, you'd understand. You don't have to trust my apology, I guess. In fact, you can lock me up and go after them yourselves."

Finally, I awkwardly add, "And I'm sorry for the injuries I gave you guys." I look specifically at the dude I clawed in the stomach, who was wearing a giant bandage around his chest. I think his name was Client, or Clint. Something like that. He nodded slightly at me.

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. I lowered my gaze again, feeling worse than I already did. But it was true...why should they trust me?

"Uh, if I can interject...why don't we just lock her up and go fight the people?" The kid, Peter, spoke up timidly, "Like can't we just..." He trailed off at seeing their faces.

"Thanks," Steve said, nodding at me. "You can go back now. We'll deliberate amongst ourselves and tell you what we decide."

I nodded, and got up, Aliyanova behind me.

"They shouldn't believe me, I guess, but I wish they would." I whispered, hanging my head.

She nodded. "I know. It'll work out eventually. Trust me."

After a pause, she added, "I promise. And I won't let you down this time."

peter's pov. avengers quinjet, en route to russia.

"We're going to where Nat, and um, Madison are from, right?" I asked, shifting in my seat.

Mr. Stark pursed his lips and looked over at me, obviously annoyed. "Yes."

"Are there going to be, others...like...her...?" I awkwardly motioned to Natasha's...friend, Madison. She sat with her head down, squeezing her hands tightly together.


"Well, that's uh, good, cuz...she's, um, dangerou-er, very skilled in combat, if you know what I mean." I always managed to make a fool of myself, and today was no exception. Whoops.

Madison stood to her feet with her arms crossed, eyes flashing. "I'm not dangerous."

Mr. Stark scoffed, and Clint raised his eyebrows at her, amused. Everyone else looked at her, and the jet was dead silent, except for the wind outside. Then her shoulder slumped, and she looked down again. 

"I-I mean, I am. But...I couldn't help that. You guys have never been in a situation like what I've been in. I don't have a choices. Please...just try to understand that I'm trying. And...I appreciate you letting me come." She sat back down again, and the awkward silence filled up again.

Cap cleared his throat suddenly, and I looked up again.

"We're willing to give you a chance. This one mission. You screw up, no more chances. Understood?"

Madison gave him grateful look. "Yes, sir."

Mr. Stark, who was playing around on his little computer-ish thing, stood up and sent the screen from his phone onto the main table.

"Okay, you all, here's the plan. I just got the criminal records of these guys. Lots of international terrorist acts were done by them...including her." He jerked a finger at Madison, and she bit her lip, but stayed silent. After giving her another look, Mr. Stark went on. "We have full clearance to go and get the head guys in charge. We'll also lock down the place so no one gets out. Sam and I will go in and gas them to sleep, and our reinforcements from what Fury could scrape together will take care of the rest of them. Understood?"

We all nod. "Okay, then. Let's go kick some-"

"-language around the kids..." Sam interrupted, laughing.

"I'm not a kid." Madison and I both said at the same time, and I looked over at her. For once, I saw her crack a smile.









a/n: i was deciding between one really long chapter or two short(er) ones and i decided two short ones XD so another chapter should be coming soon :) sorry for the super long delay in updating 

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