{9: You're In}

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madison's pov. assassin training center, russia.

"Nat, any updates?" Steve asked, looking around as I fixed the cuffs on the other guy.

"I need a-" *grunt*, "-little help up here." There was a little crashing sound, and then Ali said, "I'm trying not to wake up the whole school. Tony and Sam, why don't you guys come in and do sleepy duty."

"Coming in." Sam said.

"We're coming up," Steve nodded to me, and I followed him out to the stairwell.

This stairwell help memories. Like when I first met Ali, or when I fled after the operation first happened, or...

My eyes opened wide. "Sir, downstairs." I turned around again, and ran back to the door. Steve followed behind me.

"Cap is fine-" he was cut off as a gunshot went off and narrowly missed his shoulder.

Two people had come down the elevator and tried to release the students and the General's assistant. A shower of gunfire rained down on me, and one bullet hit me in the thigh. I flew through the air and landed a punch on the girl's skull as I came down. She crumpled under me, and then I turned to see how Cap was doing. He was engaged in hand-to-hand with another girl, and as I came over, he finally knocked her down.

"We didn't bring enough handcuffs," he remarked with amusement.

"It's okay, we knocked them hard enough, huh?" I held out my hand for a high five, and he gave me a nice one.

Crossing the room to the elevator, I jammed my claws inside the control panel, so the elevator shut down. Then we headed back up the stairs.

We took the stairs two at a time, though Steve was still faster than me, and reached the top floor quickly. It was pretty chaotic up there. Nat had gotten Wanda in there with her, and they were fighting off a couple wild fighters. We quickly helped them knock them down.

"Uh, guys, we got some of the rooms, but some of these girls woke up and they're-" Tony broke off, and there was the sound of his cannons going off. "Will you guys just get the freak over here?"

"Reinforcements from Mr. Fury are coming in now," Peter announced over the earpiece.

Nat finished handcuffing another General I recognized, and opened the window. "Hey, Peter, would you get this for me?" Then she tossed the unconscious General out the window.

"Did you get the Director?" I asked, as we headed back down the hall.

 "Get these doors. They might have people in them." Nat kicked down a door, looked in quickly and tossed a can of gas in before slamming it shut again.

Another two doors opened further down the hallway, and four girls, a little older than me, charged towards us. One of them threw a knife, and Steve deflected it off his shield, then tossed his shield at them. One of them fell over, but got up again.

Nat and Cap engaged them, as another door opened behind me. I heard it before I felt the knife stab into my leg. Wanda whirled around and quickly threw her against the wall. Grimacing, I jerked the knife out of my calf and threw it at the doorway, just as another fighter came out. It hit her square in the chest and she collapsed.

"This floor should be clear now." Nat wiped off her hands and nodded at Wanda. "Tony needs us downstairs. Cap and Mads, double check this floor, and then go make sure Sam is okay on the second floor."

"Got it."

We ran through the rest of the doors, checked in all the closets, and knocked a lot more people down. Fury's reinforcements came up to take all the girls away, and Steve and I went through the rooms again.

"Good fighting today," Steve said, pulling out a bed from the wall.


"What did it feel like to be back here?"

I stopped in the middle of going through a closet. "Do you believe me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you think that I was going to...I don't know, turn on you? Especially with our rough start and all." I dumped a uniform on the floor, ground it in with my heel, and then slammed the closet behind me.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Natasha loves you a lot. I trust her, so I guess I trust you too." He smiled and patted my shoulder. "You'll do fine, kid."

"Floor 2 secured," Sam said over the earpiece.

"Floor 3 is almost secured."

"Floor 1 needs some help," we heard Wanda say, and we quickly wrapped up and hurried down to the first floor.

30 minutes later, it was under control. Nat told us they caught Director Kornikiv, and Fury's reinforcements were almost done taking everyone away. Tony split us up to triple check all the floors, and I had to stay with Tony on the first floor.

"Pretty good job, kid." Tony said, barely turning his head to acknowledge me.

"So...does that mean you...trust me?"

"No, it means you fought well today. You're a good soldier. Well obviously, because you've been trained."

I rolled my eyes. "You're a real b-"

"Nuh-uh-uh," he cut me off. "Nope, I don't want to hear language from you."

I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "I think you-"

A movement to the left of Tony caught my attention. A figure jumped through the air towards him, and I jumped too. I caught the figure just before she could reach Tony, and my feet came in after, claws ejected. I felt the blood spew onto my hands as I landed, the girl underneath me, and  I saw her face. I recognized her. She was my classmate, Katerina. As I retracted my claws, my breath caught in my throat. I killed her. She had been pretty nice to me, especially compared to the other girls, and I...

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Numb, I looked up. Tony extended his hand to help me up.

"You okay, kid?"

I looked down. I looked back from the girl on the floor to Tony.

"I take that back," he said, starting to walk away. "I trust you."

His words barely registered in my mind. "Wha-at?"

"You're in. Welcome to the Avengers."









a/n: lowkey moved this too quickly, but enough of madison's backstory, blah blah blah, I'm moving on to her life with the avengers XD

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