How can it be wrong (girlxgirl)

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Chapter 1

Ana's POV

"Ana wake up!" I turn over to see my older brothers head sticking through my door.

"What do you want danny?" The words came out more of a muble rather than a sentence.

"Ma says to get up or you will be late for school"

"Fine" I sighed as it took all my will power to pry myself off my bed.

I did my daily routine of getting up showering brushing my teeth tieing up my black soulder lenght hair in a ponytail and getting dressed for school.

As I made my way down stairs I could already smell my mom making breakfast.

I took my seat at the table with the rest of my pack your probably wondering pack?? Let me fill you in then.

My name is Ana age 17 like your typical teenager Im about "5'3 soulder length black hair and green eyes oh and did I mention im also a wolf not your regular wolf Im also the alphas daughter although I dont care much for all that cuz my brother Danny is next in line for that position which is fine by me. My father and his entire pack all live together in our mansion.

Anyways now that your all caught up to speed lets continue about me as I stuffed my face with my breakfast i couldnt help at look at Danny being all mushy with his made Emily as he brused her red wavy hair out of her eyes and kissed her all over ugh"get a room you two" Danny just glared at me with his blue eyes. "Now Ana is that anyway to speak to your older brother" my fathers deep voice interupting his glare

"No sir" I said looking away. He was a very tall and muscular man just looking at him intemidated many he had black hair and grey eyes he was real strict at times but knew when to be a father and when to be an alpha.

Back to Danny and Emily I mean dont get me wrong Im happy for him and all but does he really have to act like that at the table my brother was one of the many of our pack members that have found their mate I of course was one of the few that had not which was pretty normal at my age so I never worried to much about it but by 18 or 19 is when most wolves do.

"Ok its already 7:30 time to head to school everyone" my mother said in her soft voice she was a kind and sweet mother. She had short black hair with blue eyes like Dannys but dont get me wrong she could be just as scary as my father on a bad day.

I got up and along with a few other pack members and headed out the door as my mother took the younger members and loaded them in the car. I got into my car a orange gt mustang and took off to school.

I arrived within 15 min and parked my car I got out and joined the rest of my pack at school we stuck together.

"Hey Ana whats up?" My friend Trey said giving me a head nod "nothing much same old shit" I said with a smirk Trey had been my best friend since we were wolfs in trainning he had grey eyes and short dirty blonde hair. Girls in our pack wanted him and alot of human girls did too but Trey was the type of guy that waited for that one special someone he was such a romantic loser. A smell broke me out of my thoughts the smell of mutts me and my pack members stopped chatting as we watch another pack come in. Let me explain normally we wolves dont live around other packs but in this town there was only one high school so we had to share their alpha and my father agreed on a truce so long as thier pack does not bother or try and attack ours we would all go to the same school but that doesn't mean we have to like them. Our packs dont interact we keep our distance from them and they keep theirs.

the bell rang for us to go to class we said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways I headed to english 4. luckly I was the only wolf in this class and didnt have to worry about working with a idiot member of the other pack I slumped in my desk at the back of the class like I did everyday I put my head down and stared out the window like always I didnt need to pay attention to hear what the teacher was saying.

All of sudden the smell of the another pack member other than my own hit my nose probably one of them walking by I payed no mind to it and just kept staring out the window. Danny and everyone else was so happy with their mate it made me think how my mate would be like would I be as happy?. I was so caught up in my own thought that I didnt bother turning to the front as the teacher opened the door and introduced a new student.

"Everyone this is Lauren she is new so how about we help her out on her first day and make her feel welcomed why dont you take a seat next to Ana over there in the back".

Im not sure why but the smell just got stronger must have been when the chick opened the door she let in that rotten smell.

Finally I gave in as the smell would not go away and I started sniffing to find where that god awful smell was coming from. It wasnt till I turned to my right and found the smell her wavy muddy brown hair past her soulders tan skinned and her eyes.

Her left a peircing sade of light blue and the other a light shade of brown they were beautiful she was beautiful. As we gazed at each other our inner wolves both spoke in unision to each other 'Mate'.

There you go first chapter there are probably alot of mistake but im doin this on my phone my first story so i apologize if its not the great and i know its short but bare with me let me know if you like thanks for reading :D


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