Chapter 9

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Laurens Pov

How was I going to end it I cant even stand the thought of being apart from her.

"damit I cant" a knock at my door threw me out of my thoughts.

"come in" the door opened and out from behind it came James.

"hey can I come in" "yeah" he took a seat on the corner of my bed

"are you ok?"

"yeah why?" He eyed me as if he was waiting for me to change my answer.

"oh what the hell no im not ok" I had to tell someone maybe he could help.

"so whats wrong is about that girl toy wolf of yours.

My eyes widen how could he know did everyone else know too "how-" before I could ask he cut me off "I could smell her on you besides you two suck at keeping your eyes off each other" he had a smile on his face as he spoke.

"dont worry I havent told anyone Im just glad your happy" I never thought he would care of all people

I didnt have any friends in this pack.

"Im glad I have at least someone who is"

"so what exactly is bothering you?".

I guess I could tell him since he basically already knew.

"shes not some girl toy ok shes my mate" I paused waiting for response he motioned for me to continue. "anyways its been going good but I recently, well today actually I found out shes the alphas daugther so now I have to end it".

He seemed to be in deep thought before responding.

"so your in love with the daughter of an alpha of another pack..."he paused as I simply nodded in agreement.

Then continued "so because of this you have to break up with her...why?"

"what do you mean why james I cant kill anyone in her family my parents were taken from me I dont want to be the one to do inflict that pain on her".

"why would it be your fault?"

Thats right no one knew of my uncles plans might as well tell him right.

Before, I could respond my uncles voice broke through our thoughts 'everyone to the dinning hall'.

" I wonder what its about" I simply shrugged and follwed James out my room.

We entered a room with a table big enough to fit 50 people me and James took a seat next to my uncle.

We waited for the rest of the pack tYto arrive.

As soon as everyone was seated my uncle stood up and spoke his voice loud and clear.

"The reason I have called you all here is to inform you that I have reached a decision on who should become the new alpha and lead the pack. As everyone knows I have no cubs of my own to pass it down to so I have decided to pass it to my only close blood relative my neice Lauren everyone began to clap as I stood up and thanked him.

No one would question the alphas chocie not openly atleast.

I sat back down James leaning into me while clapping "now I see the problem I simply nodded as I continued to smile.


My parents had called me home to talk to me about something of importance.

As soon as I entered the house my fathers voice rung in my ears

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