chapter 3

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It was already lunch time so far I only had my first class with Lauren which was good I couldnt afford to be tempted. After she kissed me my cheek had been on fire since then. I couldnt help at wonder what she was doing my wolf just longging to see her. I made my way to the table with the rest of my pack I could feel someone staring I looked up to find her staring at me I got lost in her eyes.

"Ana are you in?" Treys voice broke me out of my trance "what are you staring at?" He said turning to look at the direction I was facing to see Lauren she quickly put her head down I couldnt hepl at giggle at how cute she was.

"Never seen her before cute" hearing him say that made me choke on my pizza "to bad shes with those mutts" I couldnt help at feel a little jealous knowing he was looking at MY mate.

"Yeah shes new I have her first period" I said looking back at my plate of pizza taking another bite "ok so anyways you up for Chase Moore's party next Friday?.""why not" I said looking up to see some blonde muscular jock hitting on Lauren. This sent me over the edge as I saw her giggling and moving in to him "I got to go" I said throwing my plate away and taking off to the library.

I always loved the library it was always so peaceful

I took a seat at the very back out of view from everyone.

"Why am I so upset?" I asked myself "its not like Im with her she can flirt and be with whoever she wants."

"So why cant I be with you then?" I looked up to see her standing above me.

"What do you want?" the words sounding harsher than I wanted.

"Well you left and so I came to check up on you" she said taking a seat next to me.

"Well you didnt need to why dont you just go back to flirting with that stupid jock!" I said getting up until I was pulled down to the ground.

I looked up to see a smile playing on her lips "are you jealouse?" I could tell she enjoyed this "no Im not its not like your mine" I could feel pain in my heart as I said it.

"Liar" she began to giggle god it was cute"until you tell me yourself that you want me then I will be yours till then enjoy getting mad" she said smiling as she got up and left.

I stayed on the ground the rest of my lunch period just thinking and asking myself why did she have to be my mate? Could we be together? How would my pack react to being in love with the enemy? And the biggist question did I want her.?

Lauren POV

Why couldnt she just admit she wanted me like I wanted her I thought as I headed back to my seat at lunch. Who cares if our packs hated each other not like she would need to like them they werent her mate I was.

My wolf was dying with out her i was dying without her I know her wolf wanted mine but she is the one stoping us from being together. I dont know how long

I could go without her I had to make her mine no matter what.

Once I asked my mother how I would know when i found my mate I remember her telling me its lime no other feeling on earth you just want to be with them 24/7. Being apart even for just a minute was painful that there was no one else you would ever want and she was right.

Before she finished i remember her saying that just because they were mates didnt mean they had to be together. If one simply broke their bond then the feelings would stop but the pain was so strong that the other one could die from the heart ach.

I hope it never came to that I decided to do whatever I needed to get her.

As soon as I got home i went straight to my room and started my homework yes im a bit of a nerd.

Afterwards I couldnt fight the urge I had to run as i headed out the door my uncle stopped me.

" where are you going?" His voice was calm as he looked up at me from the couch "I was going to go for a run before I went to bed".

"Not alone your not James!" In came the jock that was all over me in lunch.

"Yes sir" his voice somewhat shaky "accompany

Lauren on a run will you" I just rolled my eyes as we made our way out the door and phased along with him his wolf was brown we ran for about an hour before we headed home.

'so' he said entering my thoughts 'how you liking it here?'

'Fine I guess'

'So i was thinkin would you wanna go out sometime?'

Was he being for real I guess since I took awhile to respond he felt the need to reasure me

'Its not like you need to say yes was only askin seein as neither of us have a mate'

'How would you know!' I said snapping at him he stopped 'do you who is it?'

Shit why did I get so defensive 'no but you dont have to say it like that' I said covering up my first response.

' oh..well im sorry so would you wanna you know go out?'

I thought for a minute what the hell its not like Ana was jumping at the chance to be with me


we had finally gotten home and I made my way to my room I phased back and headed to my shower.

All I could think about was her as I layed on my bed and drifted to sleep.

Ok so my gf was talkin about my grammer i of course notice im not the best cuz my grammer sucks XD so im sorry for all the mistakes but im trying as much as possible


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