chapter 5

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So this whole friend thing wasnt as bad as I thought it was kind of nice having someone to talk to other than my pack who really didnt listen and wouldnt be honest but she was.

We actually got along real well when we agreed on things. It had been about a week we would meet in the library evey once in a while.

I could see why my wolf wanted her she was so positive and happy there was never a dull moment with her we had even traded numbers but it was rare when we texted.

I was lying in bed just staring at my ceiling when a soft voice enter my thoughts 'Ana come eat dear'.

I headed down the stairs and entered the dinning room already packed with other wolves.

I sat there just staring at my plate as everyone else chatted away I looked to my father who sat there eating.

'Whats on your mind?' He said without even looking up from his food.

'Nothing just looking at how happy everyone is with there mate'

'Dont worry in time you will find yours and when you do Im sure he wil make a great man for you' If only he knew.

'About that I was wondering what if say for example my mate was..oh I dont know...say a..girl..'

I watched him stop his fork about half way to his mouth as he thought bout this for a momment.

'I suppose that would be fine as well wouldnt be the first time its happen' he continued eating.

'Ok what if its from another pack?' I waited for his response.

Thats impossible we dont mate with other packs its not in our nature its always someone from the same pack besides that would mean I would have to challenge there alpha' he stopped and looked at me curiosly.


'Oh.. no just wondering is all' I answered with a fake smile and stuffed my food down to end the conversation.

As soon as I finished eating I went back up to my room and about what my dad said. He would have to battle the alpha its not that I dont think my dad cant take the other packs alpha but what if he cant.

Just then my phone went off I opened it to see a message from Lauren

L: hey you up?

Me: yeah why?

L: wanna hang?

Hang? That was a first we never hung out or even tried hanging out of school she must be crazy.

Me: how?! we cant go into each others territory.

I waited for a response until finally

L: school grounds isnt anyones

I dont know why I just had to see her so I texted back

Me: be there in 10.

She was right it wasnt now how to get there without being noticed was the problem I ran down the stairs.

"By mom going out I'll be back later!" I yelled as I tried to rush out.

"Hold it young lady where are you going on a school night?" she said crossing her arms "mom Im just going to go out with some friends from school"

I watched as she eyed me as if trying to read me "fine but no drugs and no drinking and be back before 1".

"yes mam" I said walking up to her and kissing her cheek befor taking off in my car to school.

When I got there I saw a black volts wagon parked which I assumed was Laurens due to the fact that she was laying on the hood of it.

"Finally!" She said sitting up and looking at me with a smile god I loved that smile. She wore a blue button up shirt with skinny jeans and blue converse she looked adorable.

"Sorry my mom was askin questions" I took a seat right next to her.

"So what did you wanna do?" I asked breaking our silence. "Lets go swimming!" Before I could even object she was pulling me by my hand she was actully pretty strong.

We got to the gym doors and stopped "oh well its locked" I said getting ready to walk away until she kicked it and the door flew open.

"Why did you do that its breaking and entering!"

"Its not like we are stealing besides what are we going to take balls to play fetch".

She lead me to the gyms pool and let go of my hand I couldnt help but feel a little sadden when she did.

She began undressing until only her bra and underwear were left.

I couldnt help it I just stared at her body it was perfect of course she was a wolf after all but perfect none the less "are you just goin to stare at me?" She said giggling I felt my face blush.

I started undressing till I was in my bra and underwear as well. "Now whos staring" I said with a smirk I could tell her eyes were glued to me. I ran to the pool and jumped I rose from below the water to find that Lauren was no longer there.

'Where did you go?' She was still close enough for me to mind link with.

"Right here" I turned around to see her right behinde me in the water if I thought she looked good before I was wrong.

"What?" she said while giggling and tilting her head to the side I could have just died from how happy me and my wolf were.

"Nothing you just look" "amazing I know" she said cutting me off "dont be so cocky"

"Im not but your bad at hiding it" she locked her eyes with mine and began to get closer to me and I began to swim back keeping eye contact untill I hit the edge.

"Besides I know cause... Im thinking the same thing" I couldnt stop myself from looking down to her lips I wanted to kiss her so much since we met.

I felt her hand slide up my neck behinde my head and bring me closer to her lips. I couldnt move or pull away my heart was racing as she got closer closing the gap until finally our lips met.

I could just feel my heart flutter with happiness as our lips moved in sync together.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

We both turned to look " Kim I can explain!"

A/N There is chapter 5 sorry bout the wait normally i dont like taking so long to write and soeey if its short just wanted to upload something for u guys

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