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Silence, Jimin stared up in confusion as he layed there tangled in Jungkook's arms.

"You know.... i could turn you"

Jungkook whispered in a sad yet fearefull tone as he played with Jimin's small fingers, pulling on them gently one by one as a small smile appeared on his face just thinking about it. The two of them togeather... forever, nothing being able to come inebtween.
Not even death.
But his smile faded the moment he looked up at Jimin.

"But...i want you to live your life to the one diserves my life and expecially" Jungkook chuckled sadly as he squeesed Jimin's hand tightly "i wown't do anything against your will... it's up to you"

Jimin stared slightly dumbfounded as he felt a clot forming in his throat, he didn't want to. He had a life...he had a family and he wasn't prepared to leave it all for Jungkook...not just yet.

" that the only way? Im scared... i don't want to lose you a..again ...but i don't lwant to live for eternity not knowing what may happen" Jimin mumbled moving his head down so it rested on both of their hands.

"P..please help me...i don't know what to do"

Jungkook looked down at Jimin and pulled his hand away from under Jimin's head as he stood up, looking down at the smaller with dark brown eyes.

"You wownt lose me... but im the one who's going to lose you"

He bit down on his lip and faced away from Jimin looking up at the ceiling, he felt his lungs exhale even though no oxygen could ever get in. He could allways just grab Jimin's neck and sink his fangs into his beautifull peach skin. But then again some invisible force was pulling him back. Maybe he didn't have a heart but his love for Jimin surpasses all logic.

"Stay human.."

Jungkook knew Jimin wouldn't be able to handle being one of his kind, it was against Jimin's nature.
Having to kill to surpasses suffocating thirst, having to move constantly to stay awa from trouble.
Going off the radar whenever someone did find out.
It would all be too much.

Jimin bit down on his lip as he tilted hishead " about you wait till i die? When i come back as someone else. Then...." Jimin thougt as he pushed himself onto his legs, wraping his arms around Jungkook's torso.

"I..ill wait.. ill be as patient as i can waiting for you to come back....i just hope you will remember me" he said as he turned around and griped onto Jimin's waist, recieving a nodd.
Watching the others eyes beccoming teary as he nodded "i..i promice a.. and we will make loads of m..memories so you wown't be lonely when im gone" Jimin whispered as he rubbed his eyes, he had to do something for Jungkook.

It allways seemed like he was recieving everything, the happiness the other gave him.
Jimin borried hisface into his own hands before feeling Jungkook pulling his hands away to replace them with his lips.

" i love you now...i loved you back then and all the times before that.
I'll love you forever baby, no matter how many life times it will take.. ill be waiting here for you, watching you grow older over and over again"

Jimin shook his head feeling his legs suddenly being lifted off of the ground as Jungkook made sure that their faces were parralel to eachother, but he couldent help but bite downnon his lip as he eatched Jimin's tears falling as he shook his head.

"I..i want to see you grow old too"

Night rain 《Jikook》Where stories live. Discover now