Part 5: Greencube's Case of Memes

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One day, you were lazing about in your room.

However, unlike on most days, Greencube was nowhere to be seen.

In case the Anti-Spiral was away doing some of his odd, which would let you do whatever you wanted or if he was just asleep, you went to check.

You did recall hearing hearing it moving the things in its room around yesterday.

You opened the door, and were not expecting the sight before you.


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"Ohai." Greencube replied.

"Why are you dressed in a Spiderman suit?" you asked it.

"Because fuck you I'm Spiderman that's why." Greencube replied.

"Uh, alright then." you said, quietly walking away from him.

Greencube then pulled out a stormtrooper helmet and put it on.

"Move along." the Ascended Anti-Spiral said.

You cautiously closed the door, confused and concerned by this case of Meme-itis that was uncharacteristic of the usually semi-serious entity with a cruel streak.

And for that reason, you consulted a doctor.

"So, what was the case?" the doctor asked.

"My friend's an Ascended Anti-Spiral, and he's currently apparently infected with a severe Meme-itis." you told the doctor.

The man whipped out a large, heavy book titled ANTI-SPIRAL BOOK OF MEDICINE in large, golden letters on its black leather covers.

He read through the book, mumbling to himself.

"Alright, simple." the doctor said, "Just slap him on the cheek."

"Huh? That simple?" you said.

"Oh, just a sec, there's a second part in this treatment." the doctor said, "Step Two: After slapping the subject, slap him on the face with a pizza that has pineapple on it. This is an Ascended Anti-Spiral's only weakness. Slapping a specimen with it will damage him non-lethally and also remove the Meme-itis safely and efficiently."

"Still wondering how that works." you said as you stood up from your seat, "Thanks doc. I'm gonna get to treating Greencube's meme-itis now."

"You do that. Letting an Ascended Anti-Spiral with meme-itis running rampant for too long is dangerous." the doctor said.

"Yeah, thanks, take care doc." you told him as you left and headed towards the nearest grocery store.

Once you got back home, you entered Greencube's room, finding him in the Spiderman outfit, but now messing with an assortment of bottles and other chemist's equipment.

"Greencube, enough is ENOUGH! I HAVE HAAAADD IT with your fothermuckin' memes in this fockermuthin' house!" You told him

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"Greencube, enough is ENOUGH! I HAVE HAAAADD IT with your fothermuckin' memes in this fockermuthin' house!" You told him.

"Here's your options; 1. Fuck you I'm Spiderman." Greencube replied.

You then teleported behind him.

"Sorry m8, nothing personal." you told it as you delivered a slap onto the red-and-blue -clad ascended entity. You then slapped its face with the pizza slice you had bought.

Greencube started yelling in terror as he started spinning in place, quickly reverting into its original form

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Greencube started yelling in terror as he started spinning in place, quickly reverting into its original form.

"Oh good lawd that was terrible." Greencube said.

"Better?" you asked it.

"Better. Definitely better." Greencube said, "Now, what were we doing today?"

"Nothing, really." you told it.

"Oh, okay." Greencube said as it warped its room back to its original state as he started browsing the internet and writing something on its computer.

"That's more like it." you said as you left the room and went to your room, where you went to browsing memes on the computer.

Remember kids, memes are only healthy relative to each consumer. One too many doses of memes is unhealthy, but a dose of them can give some good luls without affecting the consumer negatively. However, I am still intent on posting one more meme in here, because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MEME!

And now;

And now;

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