The Finer Details of Memetic Influence

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Seeing as no one gave ideas for the 1K view milestone, I decided to make some specs on what the Memetic Influence ability of my Insert OC does instead.

So, as it has been described, Memetic Influence has three distinct results:

1: Attraction to Greencube

2: Disgust towards Greencube

3: No reaction

Though, the finer details of it have been left unexplained. 

Let's sort that out.

How Memetic Influence works

Memetic Influence uses a sort of subconscious suggestion to cause its effects.

The suggestion affects the targets, which are always female, by suggesting the subject's brain the idea of hugging Greencube. 

If they find this idea outright disgusting, their opinion will develop into a variably strong feeling of disgust, to the point of calling it poop, slime or an ink monster or just considering it to look icky.

If they feel that this is something that could be done, they gain an urge to do so. 

This is intended to be non-sexual, though.

The female's sexual orientation has no effect on the effectiveness of Memetic Influence, but completely pure and genuine love can lessen its effects to a degree. 

Effects on visual perception

It is also fairly common that females that do find Greencube huggable also experience a visual alteration in their perception on what Greencube looks, making it appear more visually appealing, usually by being more handsome or cuter. 

Seen here is a common example of the visual alteration

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Seen here is a common example of the visual alteration.

Wait, what was that about sexual interest? And for that matter, romantic interest?

Despite having no gender (unless assuming a human disguise), romantic and sexual feelings towards Greencube can happen. 

If an individual has experienced sexual frustration and/or unrequited feelings of love and is possibly so inclined, they can develop some... odd interests due to Memetic Influence. Greencube doesn't particularly enjoy this lewd attention, as it prefers hugs, cuddles, snuggles and the occasional boop or kiss on the cheek.  

These sorts of cases are fairly rare, though. Around one in two dozen develop romantic interest, while some female (especially harem members that get little to no attention) are prone to having both the innocent desire to hug it as well as getting lewd. 

What is of note is that it does not affect a female's sexual orientation much. If romantic feelings are developed, the character can still very much love their original significant other, but might give similar attention to Greencube, if they have developed the romantic interest. This has mostly been seen with homosexual females that will instead of being strictly attracted to females will also show care and love for Greencube.

Can it be controlled?

Greencube cannot control Memetic Influence most of time, only gaining control after attaining its Greencube Deus status.

Other things of significance

If the female is part of a harem, especially if one that doesn't get much attention, or is single, they will prefer Greencube over any suitors after Memetic Influence kicks in. This is the part which makes Greencube a particularly nasty waifu stealer. 

Not that it minds. It doesn't much care. Sometimes, it even rejoices stealing a waifu.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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