Neo, Alpha & True Beast's Profiles

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As a note, this is no 1K View Milestone thing. This is just here to shed more light on Greencube's inner beasts and how they work.

The Neo Beast, Alpha Beast and True Beast are all creatures that act as reservoirs and support for Greencube, each through their own way. 

Each beast represents some part of Greencube's ultimate potential, with each form possessing immense power, with the True Beast possessing the most power. 

Each beast can relinquish their power to Greencube, allowing it to access a more powerful form known as Shin Greencube. In the True Beast's case, Greencube becomes Greencube Deus, the Grand Foreigner's ultimate form.

The Alpha and Neo Beast existed ever since Greencube ascended, both of them remaining dormant until Greencube experienced a strong negative or positive energy surge, which stirred them from their slumber. Neither of the beasts despises the other, but rarely, if ever come to agreements. Those rare times when they agree are focused on their survival, and by extension, Greencube's.

Neo Beast

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Neo Beast

The negativity-based Beast, its colors a prominent black and a brilliant lime green with feral features and a voice that booms with rage and malice. 

The Neo Beast has been the most active out of all three Beasts, and it represents all negative energies that Greencube has at any given point in time possessed. It is a territorial, aggressive and highly violent beast that uses its powers to level planets and solar systems in its wake. 

It possesses almost every conceivable negative power in existence, excluding Nonexsistence, which is omnipotence based on erasing or removing.

Alpha Beast

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Alpha Beast

The positivity-based beast, colored a blinding white and a shimmering light blue color with almost divine features. 

The Alpha Beast existed alongside Neo Beast, but was awakened much later. It is a non-territorial , calm and pacifistic beast that uses its powers to create planets or solar systems to make up for the damage its negative counterpart does.

It possesses almost all positivity-based powers, but lacks Meta Addition, omnipotence based on the creation.

True Beast

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True Beast

The merger beast that emerged upon the Neo and Alpha Beast merging. A neutral being with a mostly gray physiology, but with several colors that represent its host's power. 

The True Beast did not exist until Greencube had sacrificed itself for the greater good. The two beasts chose to continue their existence as the True Beast by merging with one another. It is utterly neutral, only acting out if its existence depends on it. 

It possesses the combined powers of its two constituent beasts, pushed to their utmost limit. 

The True Beast mostly just acts as a passive figure that supports Greencube when needed. Otherwise, it remains dormant, more than willing to give its powers to Greencube or take them from it. It is a mostly completely emotionless beast that usually doesn't act out. 

Once the beasts have relinquished their powers, they enter weakened forms that resemble a variety of dragons. 

The Neo Beast becomes the Omega Lindworm, a physically formidable two-legged draconid that has no wings, but a fearsome disposition. Its strength is as high as ever, with its tail being able to crush mountains, but it is sluggish. It is the size of an apartment building.

The Alpha Beast becomes the Alpha Drake, a dragon resembling the Shagaru Magala, which can unleash light energy -infused scales as a ranged weapon. It is the size of a large battleship, but is surprisingly swift and capable of flight.

The True Beast instead becomes a smol version itself the size of a teddy bear. It is still stronger than any superhuman entity and is as fast as a bullet train, but its passive disposition makes it fairly harmless.

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