Chapter Two: Secrets

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Connor, Tyler and I walked into Ricky's house, where we were greeted by JC, Ricky, and Sam.

"Hey guys!" Connor grinned.

"Sup Connor?" JC smiled.

"Nothing much. Oh, and I brought Troye and Tyler along. That okay?"

"Sure!" Sam said. "C'mon in, Kian brought drinks."

"Aww yaaassss gurl!" Tyler cheered. "Momma is getting shitfaced tonight!!!"

I shoved Tyler playfully as we walked in the door.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I laughed as Tyler downed another shot. He, Ricky, and Kian were in a seemingly unending drinking contest. I was still on my first BudLight Lime, I didn't want to get too drunk.

Andrea(who Kian had gotten back together with) yelled suddenly, "Who's up for a game of Truth or Dare?!"

"Yeah!" Lia said. Everyone else readily agreed... Except Connor, who looked nervous.


Oh shit. Truth or Dare? I'm the only single guy here, well, other than Troye and Tyler, but #troyler, right? What if they ask me who I like...?

We sat in a circle: me, Troye, Tyler, Lia, JC, Andrea, Kian, Ashley(Ricky's girlfriend), Ricky, Bella(Trevor's girlfriend), Trevor, Natalie(Sam's girlfriend), then Sam. Lia started off. "Umm, Troye! Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He smirked. "I like a challenge."

"I dare you to... Make out with Tyler for a minute!"

I bit my lip. I kept my eyes to the ground as Troye shrugged and tackled Tyler. What seemed like an eternity later, they pulled apart.

"Okay... Kian, truth or dare?"


Troye thought for a moment. "What was the most awkward/embarrassing moment you had meeting a fan?"

Kian then went into extreme detail about some thirteen year old fangirl who tackled him at VidCon and clung to him until security dragged her away, her last words being, "I LOVE YOU KIKI!!!"

Kian looked around the group, his gaze settling on me. "Connor, truth or dare?"

"Dare." At least they wouldn't ask me anything.

"I dare you... to kiss the most attractive person in the room."

My cheeks burned. "What?!"

"You heard me."

"Whoa whoa whoa... you ain't getting near my girl!" Ricky argued, wrapping his arm around Ashley.

"Nah Ricky, I'm okay with it. it's just a dare right?" Ashley said. The other girls chimed in assent.

"Can I chicken out?" I mumbled.

"Nope!" Kian said triumphantly.

Well shit.

AN: Thanks so much for reading guys! Sorry for not posting in a bit, I've been fangirling over


it's freaking amazing, and I'm so proud of Troye. Anyway, maybe I'll post another chappie tonight. you never know ;).


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