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Hey guys, I wrote this os in dedication to soilders our there, and more importantly the families that wait fearfully for them to come home. I honestly am so so so sorry, I know a lot of you are awaiting updates for other stories, and I promise, I promise they are coming soon. I have a lot more time now since I am on vacation. But the problem is if I'm not getting any ideas for a certain story then the quality of my writing is not up to mark and it just takes an unnecessarily long time. And when I get an idea I have to pen it immediately. This is why I decided to create this book full of Avneil and Adiza one shots, and the best thing is you guys can request what you would like to see Avneil/adiza and what scenario in thee comments or pm me and I will definitely write it for you.

I really hope you enjoy this story as I put a lot of hard work, heart and soul in to this piece. Please let me know what you think in the comments, critisim is accepted. Please tell me if you think my witing style is too lengthy and boring and repetitive, i'm always scared it is.

Please enjoy, comment and vote.... xxx


She watched him from the doorway where he coudn't see her, continuous tears streamed down her face as she went weak in her stomach, in agony. The heartbreak was grief, gruelling pain that stole her sleep, stole her appetite and left her with this piercing feeling of loss, that felt like shards of glass lodged in her gut. Leaving her bleeding to death.

He was cradling their little princess in his hands, little amayra giggled and gurgled at her father, lifting her little fists to run it down his face, showing her love in the only way she knew how. His eyes closed at the unblemished, pure, unconditional love in her touch, it was almost as if she was wiping away his tears. He rocked her gently, holding her small head to to his chest protectively, and embracing the rest of her delicate body in fear, never wanting to let her go.

He buried his lips in her small wafts of hair, his eyes closing as small wounded whispers leave his lips. Amayra frowns, as if she could sense her father's anguish. She grabs tufts of his hair in her tiny fists as if trying to run her fingers through it like Avni does. He chuckled softly but the pain reverberated in his voice as his tears fell in to her scalp, amayra looked as if she was about to burst in to cries too, and avni was about to rush inside to get her, but stopped seeing Neil.

He hummed faintly, a tender smile on his face as he swung Amayra humming the lori till she settled. He pulled a funny face at her, making her eyes light up as she giggled joyousy, another tear fell from his eyes, as he noticed that her eyes lit up the way Avni's did.

"Oh god meri mayu... meri jaan... Daddy is going to miss you so much..." He was trying not to break down in to tears, his voice wavering. "I wan't to stay here, and protect you and your mumma... But-"

"But daddy will come back soon... I promise... I promise daddy will come back to his princess..." amayra gurgled, clutching to her daddy's beard, but flinching adorably in astonishment as it's rough texture tickles her. He laughed at her antics, she was so precious.

"But what if you have grown big by then, what if you say your first word when I'm not here, take your first step... what if I miss you growing up mayu?" He caresses her head, stroking chubby cheek with his finger as he scanned her face, as if memorising every little detail about her.

His expression was so vulnerable and raw that Avni just wanted to run over to him, and hug him as tightly as humanly possible, and tell him he was being ridiculous, that they'd always be waiting for him. But she just couldn't bring herself to face him.

"Mayu... daddy loves you so much, I'm so sorry I have to leave... I wish i could keep you both in front of my eyes 24/7..." His eyes darkened with the heavy burden of guilt weighing down on his chest, he carefully tried to put her to sleep, not wanting Avni to go through that trouble tonight, when he wouldn't be able to help her for so long.

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