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Hey guys, i think you guys will really love this update, it took a lot of time to write up so it could be perfect for you guys. The bits in bold are mature content, please skip it if you are uncomfortable, many had requested me to continue the last scene... Its first time I'm writing mature content, and i've really tried to balance the content so it's hot and steamy but still classy and not vulgar, please let me know if I've achieved this!!!! Please let me know what you think of the entire update!!!! Please comment ♥️♥️♥️


"Are you mad at me still?" She pouted adorably, running her hands through his coarse beard. He murmured incoherently, moving in closer and nuzzling her neck, rubbing his beard against her soft skin. She giggled softly, a sound that made him shudder, his knuckles clench, at the thought of of losing her, remembering the nightmare he had just gone through. She gasped lightly, making him put all his thoughts aside.

"I'm going to take that as a no..."  She whispers, burying her face in his hair at the ticklish sensation that his ministrations sent through her body.

He peered up at her with a lopsided grin, biting him bottom lip as his eyes travelled from her eyes down to her tempting lips. A shiver ran down her spine at the sight of that raw hungry look in his darkened eyes, she felt naked already. There was nothing more intimate than when he looked at her like that, with all that love and desire.

"Maybe I'll forgive you after some punishment..." He was unbelievably sexy with that husky voice of his, and that smirk that made her feel like a teenager again. Butterflies couldn't stop fluttering in her belly as he poked her nose playfully, then continued to trace his finger down her face. He slowed down at her plump lips, stroking them as he leaned closer.

"How do you always know how to get your way?" She tried to reply as if she was indifferent, but her raspy voice gave her away. His warm breath fanned across her neck, making all the goosebumps stand up on her body.

His smirk deepened as he leaned down closer, so his lips just brushed against hers before pulling away again. He left each and every fibre of her body craving for more, he knew exactly what he was doing.  He chuckled, "Are you kidding? You've trapped me you little temptress..."

She blushed beet red, trying to hide her face, "Stop it Zain-"

He swallowed her words, taking her lower lip and playing with it between his teeth, in the way he knew she loved. She moaned as her nails dragged down his back, he couldn't hold back the guttural groan she elicited from him, she knew exactly what turned him on, he couldn't resist her.

They kissed frantically, her hands found her way around his shoulders and his neck, her fingers finding purchase in his hair. She grasped on to it tightly as he sucked her lip, and his hands trailed down her body. His thumbs grazed down the side of her breasts making her gasp, her voice so sensual to him as he pulled her closer to him, moulding her body in to his.

"Shirt off mister..." She demanded cutely, she leaned back against the headrest crossing her hands over her chest making him arch his eyebrow at her in amusement, but they was no denying his bossy fiancée, he pulled the black tank top over his head leaving him shirtless, and she could never keep her hands to herself when he was shirtless.

Her eyes drunk him in, he had a knowing grin on his face as her fingers traced his abs in awe, he teased her arrogantly, "You like what you see Adi?"

Her hand boldly travelled downward, her hand ghosting past his manhood, all the amusement disappeared off his face as soon as she stroked his hard-on. He stiffened, the friction making his stomach clench as he groaned, his eyes rolling back in pleasure.

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