Permission (OS on ADIZA)

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I haven't written in a long time so this os is almost a warm up to get back in to writing, right now I am working on an ADIZA one shot that I know you guys will really really really love! But until then I hope you guys enjoy this os.

I think you guys will really love it! Please shower your love in comments and votes! I'm so grateful for all your support!


"I refuse. I'm not letting you do it Adi. That's final." He barked, his clasp around her arm tightening painfully.

She narrowed her eyes at him with tears of disappointment in her eyes as she struggled out of his grip, "It's not your choice Zain! It's my job. If I'm saying I'll do it, I'm going to do it. If they tell me to wear that when filming it, then I will. You don't have a say in that."

His eyes changed as his voice broke, hurt flashing in his eyes, "I don't have a say in anything?! I'm your husband, you know that right?"

"Zain listen to me-" Guilt hits her seeing his pained eyes, she rubbed the back of his neck gently to try and soothe him.

"I'm your husband, and I'll only ever be able to think like your husband. Do you think I'm going let you romance some other guy? I would murder anybody that even looks at you, could you imagine what I would go through if he touches you?" He grabs her by the waist, pulling her in to him possessively.

"It's for a job Zain. It's for a job. You can't interfere with my career..." She tried to reason with her stubborn husband. She could ask for anything, do anything in the world and he wouldn't get angry at her, but when it came to other men or her safety, his temper was insane.

"I can interfere with whatever I want! I have a right to be worried for you! I can't let you film a consummation scene with that co-star of yours and definitely not in that stupid see-through white saree." He still yells at her and she couldn't see past it. She didn't notice the way his face creased in worry as he spoke, the way he softly caressed her hip.

"I don't understand! You've filmed a consummation scene with your co-star... Why can't I? Don't you trust me?" She screamed back, anger raging in her eyes as she hit her fists against his chest.

He held her wrists to stop her, shaking his his head no. He wiped away a tear that ran down her face as he winced, as if her tears caused him physical pain, "That's not what I'm saying. It's him I don't trust. I don't like him adi..."

"You're overreacting. " She warned him, pointing her finger at him as he stared hopelessly in to her red rimmed eyes, "you're just being jealous."

"I'm not overacting! What if he hurts you? What if he touches you wrongly? I won't be there to protect you-" He cups her face, brushing the hair out of her face to look clearly in to her eyes.

He rested his lips on her forehead, murmuring in to her skin. He hugs her tightly, wrapping his arms around her middle although she struggled to move away.

"He will have to touch me if that's what the scene entails! I don't understand what's up with you? You've had to do all this with your co-star, what's different about me?! Will it hurt your ego huh? I'm not your property, I'm your wife. Are you worried about what others will say? Is that it?" She pushed him away, almost hissing in anger, her eyes were hurt, she felt demeaned and accused, "I can't believe that you're compromising with my career for your ego! It's so unfair... you're meant to be supporting me in everything I do..."

"No Aditi..." She turned around to walk away, frowning like a small child. He hugged her from behind, resting his chin in the nook of her neck as he kissed her shoulder, "It's not that... baby no..."

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