Death By Chloroform

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Bright lights shone through my thick eyelashes, blinding me as I attempted to open them.
Where am I?
What happened?
Where is Chara?
My thoughts and memories flowed through my mind in a fight of what would worry me more.
I turned my head to the side attempting to avoid the lights above me, regretting it after the splitting head ache became noticable.
My face cringed due to the pain and a groan escaped my mouth. The muscles in my body all twinged in pain  harmoniously , like a symphony

A nervous giggle caught my attention, slowly I sat up using my elbows to support my upper body as I looked to my surroundings.
It looked like a classic pediatric room, cream walls, white ceilings, a examination table which I perched myself on, rectangle lights above me, a white metal door, and the usual yellow dino-lizard in a lab coat.
Uh- wait.
The monster waved shyly to me as she pushed up her glasses.
She stuttered, inviting the pure awkward silence that followed behind her nervous attitude.
I tilted my head down trying to face the woman without being blinded by the lights above. Waiting for an explanation as to where I was and why. I spoke through the uncomfortable staring contest between us.
"Uh.... Soooo?"
"O-oh! I'm s-sorry! H-hows your head? H-here take this."
The Lizard pulled a pink pill from a pocket in her lab coat and pushed her hand towards me, seemingly shaking with nervousness.
I sat up fully on the bed and took the pill from her, examining it.
"What is it?"
The monster woman turned to a rolling tray behind her and took a small cup of water from it.
The silver tray had various bottles on it, a pitcher of what looked like water, pencils, and paper.
"O-oh it's nothing bad, j-just something for y-your head ache."
I hummed as she handed the small cup to me,
"I'm not taking it."
She looked surprised, did she really think I was stupid enough to take a pill from someone I don't know.
Hell, I don't even know where I am!
"W-what? Why?"
"Well, I don't know you, I don't know where I am, nor do I know how I got here, also the pill could be something else."
She sighed and gave me a reassuring smile.
"I can a-answer most of t-those questions M-miss."
My eyes narrowed at her, she could just tell me lies and kill me, but she seems trustworthy.
"Go ahead."
W-well, you've been here for two days, because s-someone used a bit too much chloroform, h-hence your h-head ache. You are in m-monster base 68, I don't know w-where you came from. All I know is our boss w-wanted you, he wanted you alive. Also the pill won't kill you, it should help your h-head as I s-said before."
I nodded taking in the new information.
A monster base huh.
I looked to my hand, the pink capsule shined a bit under the lighting.
My teeth clenched as the ache in my head grew with any movement,
"I can't take it."
I had too much to loose, if the pill wasn't what she said it was and I died, who would raise Chara, who would read her stories at night, who would hold the shaking child when there was a strong storm.
The irritation was growing on the lizard's face as she pleaded for me to take the pill.
"I-if you d-don't take the pill, then you'll die!"
Her tone caught me off guard, she didn't seem the type to get upset easily, she seemed shocked by her own outburst. The monster covered her mouth with her scaly hands and stared at me with a worried expression.
"Look Miss, I can't take the pill. You've got to understand I've got too much to live for, also I'm pretty sure if I was dieing from chloroform I wouldn't just have a head ache."
The lizard laughed lightly and shook her head, her hands had fallen back to their place beside her waist.
"W-well w-we use our own chloroform, it's usually used on m-monsters, so they didn't t-think to use less of a dosage. Frisk if you d-don't take that m-medication on your own I'll h-have to get someone to f-force you to take it. Also... S-sorry for yelling."
With a sigh the chubby lizard shuffled closer to me, she lifted her hand out to me.
"I'm Alphys."
A hand shake.
Such a simple gesture, but they tell a lot about your character.
Alphys definitely was nervous, shy, conscientious, sweet, and worst of all;
I took pity on her pathetic hand shake as I looked her in her eyes, I could see her hidden sadness.
Alphys is grey.
She's done bad things for a good reason. I don't necessarily know what, but everyone has. The lizard smiled and turned away from me. With a sigh she left the room through the white door.
I was left alone to my screaming head ache, and terrible thoughts.
No longer distracted by Alphys, the pain grew in me.
My body fell back on the hard leather bed, hands flew to my head as I pulled my hair, my limbs cringed together in a fetal position.
Hot tears stained my cheeks, my jaw clenched, I started to visibly shake.
My voice was weak.
I doubted anyone would hear me.
I still will not take the pill, I just want to ask Alphys if she would bring me some food, but I was too weak to tell my demands.
(And stappphhh here.
Heyy~ how are ya?
Ehhh..... What else do people put in the end note?
Sorry this one's so short but I promise that the next one will be longer, also I apologise for it being so late. My last book -wich was deleted- I felt like it wasn't written well enough for my standards. Hopefully you'll like this book. Last thing, I fucking love the person who commented on the first chapter, "I read grey wrong." You made my day and gave me the spark I needed. It was great dude. Again please tell me of any grammar or spelling errors.

-and my trees-

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