Title Your Story Part.

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"God damnit! Are you fucking kidding me? You couldn't take care of her for five seconds!"
After G had left the room he took three steps down the hall before hearing a clunk and Alphys' panicky voice yelling 'Catch it!'
With a long irritated 'uggggghhhhhhhhh' he turned on his heals and went back in the medical room.
"S-sorry G it s- surprised us."
The small dinosaur said, noticably disappointed in herself, though Undyne was unfazed by the unconscious human on the tile.
" Fine! Since you two are ssooooo fucking responsible I'll deal with the her!"
G's sarcasm and anger cut through the girls' confidence like a knife.
His long strides stopped in front of the sleeping Frisk, G picked her up and sighed,
"One of you make yourself useful for once and tell Tori to bring a pair of new pets clothes to my room."
Being grumpy already, G teleported to his room.
The room was lit by moonlight in the window, a white ceiling held up by light grey walls.
He dropped the girl roughly on his bed, grumbling about how incompetent his staff was.
They worked better when Asgore was in charge.
Unfortunately Asgore retired 3 years ago, G took his place as leader. Toriel still worked in the kitchen and mended the teams clothes occasionally. Toriel always had her son attached to the hip, little Asriel didn't like to leave his mother for anything.
G sat on the edge of his bed, his black comforter crinkled under him. He reached down and grabbed the remote that had been sitting on the tile floor. Alphys had created a television earlier in the year, it didn't need electricity, it was solar powered. Though no one makes movies or TV shows anymore, so they are limited to what was created before the war. Turning on the screen, he scrolled through the options. G gave up on finding a show so he reluctantly hit the shuffle button. The skeleton kicked off his boots and propped his head up with the fluffy white pillows.


'My love, I will never leave you. You are the best think that has ever happened to me, my horrible years on this planet are made worth by you. Will you do me the honor of marri-'
With a sling of his wrist, the television screen was impaled by it's remote.
"Damn vampire series..."
G looked to the human who still lay motionless beside him.
'Is she dead?'
The slow rise and fall of her black shirt answered him. G was getting bored. The skeleton poked Frisk's side, then her cheek in attempt to wake her up.
"Fuck this."
His patients had run dry, G got up from his bed and made his way through a door to his bathroom. He flicked on the light switch, quickly grabbing a cup out of a pile that sat on the corner of his sink next to his toothbrush. The skeleton smirked as he gathered cold water from the sink, once it was full the lights were turned off and he went back to the sleeping girl.
Just as he began to tilt the cup a knock on his door halted him.
He growled as he placed the cup on his dark wood bedside table.
G raised his hand to the air and flicked his wrist. A skeletal hand shaped yellow mist twisted the door knob causing it to open. (nah fucking dip that's what a door knobs for)
Toriel's sweet smile came into view as G's magic opened the door, "Hello G. May I enter?"
The goat woman walked into the dark moonlit room, she held neatly folded clothes and a plastic container on top. Toriel's tisked as she walked in, the woman flicked on the light switch that had been next to the door.
" G I don't know how you can have such a messy room. You really need to clean once in a while."
G groaned 'Not this again...', Toriel was notorious for acting as  a mother figure to everyone. It was annoying to G.
" Sorry Tori, I've been distracted lately. Now that I've got this human, she's gonna clean the hell outta this whole base."
Big green eyes peeked out from behind Toriel's dress.
'Oh fuck-'

So I'm hi.
Sorry this is so damn short.
I just really wanted to get something out. ... Even if it is complete shit.
I've just been focusing on my other story.

With great apologies
Ares and my trees.

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