We need to talk *extremely important*

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Hey guys!
Long time no talk

I've had this on my mind for a minute and I just have to say this.

Y'all we got to smarten up. This world is absolutely crazy. People are losing their children and loved ones all over the place. Now the point that make me want to go completely off about this is that people have the nerve to record people deaths instead of trying to help. It sickens me to see people dying through a screen knowing that I couldn't do anything to stop it or help. But you know those people who were so focused on getting stuff on camera could have saved a persons life. How do you think the families of those who were lost feel seeing someone who means the world to them dying/ their lifeless body on video over and over again. People are so invested into their phones that this is what it's come to. Honestly this is just terrible and it needs to end.

People have said to me that you live just to die. I believe that it matters what you do in between life and death that counts. All I'm saying is that people need to spend a little less time on their phones and a lot more time on what's happening in the world. I would like to leave y'all with some final thoughts...

How would your loved ones feel if that was you on video dying and in need of desperate help?

How would you feel if that was your loved one being videotaped after their death?

RIP to X and to all those who've lost their lives. No one and I repeat NO ONE deserves to die and wishing death upon someone is something I will NEVER respect or stand for.

Y'all we just gotta stop this. How are we suppose to be the generation of the future if we're all slowly dying out. We need to understand that life is the real deal. It's not like super Mario and we get 100 lives. We truly only live once and once you're dead, you're gone forever . It's a point of no return. People really need to understand.

If you read this, thank you for hearing this.

See y'all soon and please be safe

~Olivia aka Liv

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