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Riley walked through the homeroom with her head bowed down as usual

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Riley walked through the homeroom with her head bowed down as usual. People laughed at her as she passed by. It was the third day of her college after her holidays. She was absent for a week, since she was sick.
And as much as she wanted to ditch school, she couldn't. For the past years, her results had been deteriorating to the point there could've been no future for her.
And a future was desperately needed.
She needed it to get out of the wretched town called Cloverlind.

"Hey hoodie!" One guy called while chuckling with his friends. Riley ducked her head even more, if that was even possible. She bit her lip, feeling irritated as she wondered as to where Lexi had gone.

"Shut the fuck up Lawrence!" As if on cue, Lexi appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Riley's arm tightly to show as a support, that she wasn't going anywhere.

It was weird how Lexi was completely the one protecting her now. Before all that, Riley was the one having Lexi's back. Riley appreciated it, but she never showed it. She still wasn't aware that how this could affect her later on...

"Aww...come on babe..." The so called Lawrence drawled, coming closer to Lexi's face.

Lexi left Riley's side only to bang Lawrence on the locker with a loud thud, catching everyone's attention .

"How many times do I need to say that I'm not interested? Get that through your brainless thick head, yeah? And don't even try to think this is some sort of signal for you to go on..." Lexi lowly said with a dangerous edge, while clutching Lawrence's shirt to hold him back on on the metal locker. She enlarged her inky mossy green eyes looking more fierce. And her bright graceful and glossy pink waves added up to the phrase 'Girl power'.

Lawrence's face was as much far away from Lexi as possible. He seemed like a little mouse scared of a lioness. And he was deeply embarrassed, judging by the pink blush on his cheeks to his neck.

Served him right...

Lawrence gulped as Lexi left him alone with one final push, before she grabbed Riley and walked through the stilled crowd as if she were the queen.

Lexi was a gorgeous girl with a sweet innocent face with full lips and bright mossy green eyes. And as people judged her by her innocent demeanor, they thought her to be easy. All the guys' attentions were on her. The girls in the school called her a slut. And the rumors spread that innocence was only a facade of her. And that in real, she was secretly seductive and suggestions had coated on every one of her words when she talked to guys. And she was then fully a slut to everybody.
Riley had seen her cry and be humiliated by girls. Riley always had her back...
And then, through all the pressure that Lexi was going through, she changed.

G R A Y   M E M O R I E S | ✔️completed (edited by me!)Where stories live. Discover now