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Riley was somewhat feeling humble on that particular day

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Riley was somewhat feeling humble on that particular day....

She began her day with a "Goodmorning." It startled Maria and Melissa.
She was even asking a lot of questions to Sir Cassel about ballet, to the point even he got baffled.
Even though, Riley felt a little humble she was nowhere near to being fully positive. So she forced herself to chant positive in her head.
Sometimes, if you don't push yourself a little, you can never reach your destination.

When she went to school, she thought she'd surprise Lexi with a slight yet forced smile on her face. But Lexi was the one crying instead. She was alone, under the Willow tree, fading away from the school crowd...

"Lexi?" Riley walked over, worried about a really crying Lexi, whose eyes were heavily inky because of her running eyeliner and heavy coat of mascara.

"What?" Lexi turned the other side, facing away from Riley. Her voice seemed thick.

"Lex, what happened? Why are you crying? Did anyone do anything?" Riley asked, turning Lexi by her shoulders.


"Then what?" Riley asked, confused.

"It's...it's Simon."

Riley let that word sink in.

"Oh." She slowly settled down beside Lexi, her back brushing the tree trunk. She was expecting that one day or another.
"What about him?"

"I don't know! It's like-like we're friend-zoned! He only sees me as his best friend! He doesn't make a move on me! And I don't either! I mean, a girl should never make the first move! So I wait, wait and wait! And suddenly, he just starts talking to a girl, much like the interested-in-electrical-engineering slut, he seemed to have a liking on! I'm tired of running in circles for him to see I have feelings for him! I am tired of waiting!" A very sniffing Lexi complained through her uncontrollable sobs.

Riley's lips threatened to curl up at the end at how cute Lexi looked crying. Riley hadn't seen Lexi cry much. She was mostly too strong. But Lexi, crying over a boy? It was just too adorable to handle, seeing her snot filled and red and her face blotchy and inky...

"Don't worry. I'll handle it."

Riley caught up with Simon after her History class.

"Simon, hey." Riley greeted Simon.

"Riley, hi!" Simon was a tad bit surprised.

"Can we talk in the library?" Now, Simon was more surprised.

"Sure, why not , I think we both have a free period, why don't we head there now?" Simon said, not bothering to mask his surprised voice.

"Let's go then..."

Passing through the corridor, Riley caught a familiar shade of red, walking by himself and not fooling around with his crowd of people. Riley walked steps quicker to avoid him seeing
She did not need to ruin her mood that day.

G R A Y   M E M O R I E S | ✔️completed (edited by me!)Where stories live. Discover now