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Riley watched the crazy swaying bodies to the techno music in changing lights with hooting and cheering around

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Riley watched the crazy swaying bodies to the techno music in changing lights with hooting and cheering around. She was wearing her usual clothing with his hoodie on. Lexi couldn't coax her into changing up.
But Lexi was thankful enough for Riley for just coming and spending her birthday with her.

She didn't find dancing interesting anymore. Knowing her old self, she would've wasted no time but drag either Lexi or Leo to dance with her. And she wouldn't forget her usual shot game.

She sat on the barstool and swayed side to side, elbows on the glass table, grimly looking around.

She watched out for a maniacal dancing Lexi, who was hopping a lot. Simon on the other hand was super uncomfortable, standing awkwardly on the dance floor full of push-y dancing people. Riley could tell, he was blushing deeply as his glasses hung over his nose. Poor Simon was dragged by Lexi. Always, Lexi.

The nerd he is. Riley thought, a slight smile on her face while she looked at Simon.

Simon was a guy who did not like crazy stuffs. He was uncomfortable with them. And however on earth did he enter the crazy trio of Leo, Riley and Lexi ? Well, he used to be bullied a lot when he came new in grade 1, and the next thing you know, he got under the wings of the crazy trio ( the name of the group later became the crazy trio and the silent boy).
Riley, Lexi and Leo made him overcome his anti-social problems. He began to say something. And the next thing you know, he was social enough. But his nerdy this-is-serious, we-gotta-study side was still there.
Simon's mom was very thankful. The poor woman was very worried about him.

And Riley knew Simon's greatest secret. He always, always had a crush on Lexi.
Lexi was the first one to approach him. And after that, he saw Lexi like she was some great thing. And it was getting prominent every other day.

One of these days, I'm gonna lecture him. Riley thought.

And then, her wandering mind flowed back down to Leo .

"Why are so reckless?" Riley had once asked while panting, hands on her knees. Apparently, they had been in the dead of the night. Doing what ?
Leo there wanted to do something fun, so the reckless guy he was, he had called Riley at the dead of the night, only to play a game of 'ring and run'.

"If you don't be an idiot and a fool in your youth, you'll have nothing to laugh about when you get old. I mean, what will you tell to your children and grand children?!" Leo had explained, a usual light in his ocean blue eyes.

Riley just smiled and guessed he was right.

Riley realized she was thinking about him once again.
Riley decided that she needed a drink. Or else her mind would drift away again—something she just couldn't afford.

She asked the bartender to give her a strong tequila.

She chugged down her second glass as she began feeling giddy, feeling the warmth, stinginess and bitterness of the liquid. She didn't drink since his death. Maybe that made her a light-drinker now.

G R A Y   M E M O R I E S | ✔️completed (edited by me!)Where stories live. Discover now