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Riley just saw a guy giving a flirtatious 'call me' sign to a glaring Lexi, which made her angry too

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Riley just saw a guy giving a flirtatious 'call me' sign to a glaring Lexi, which made her angry too.
"You sure don't want to ask Simon to break his neck with one of his karate chops?"

Riley seemed kind of...angry and it was kind of rare for her to show any emotion that did not include boredom, being spaced-out or simply...blank .

So Lexi let her be angry for her. Riley was going close to being gone. That's what Leo had done. His death was still a mystery to them, and everyone in Cloverlind. And Lexi thought that was what drove Riley to be....not like herself anymore.

Simon and Lexi both tried. They really did try to help. They still do. But a person can't truly be helped if they don't want to be helped at all.

"Leo , I have to ask you this. Do you see Riley as your sister or just a best friend ?" Lexi had once asked on a fine summer day, sitting under a tree with Leo, while Riley tried doing a some karate kick replicating Simon's perfect move, and she was nowhere near as close. Lexi seemed to admire Simon do his kick...

Lexi turned her head back from them and looked at Leo, whom she seemingly had sent down a deep thought.

"Why are you thinking too much ?" Lexi teased.

Lexi had assumed right. She was assuming it since 15 .

"Look, if you want to say the something to her, then say it before it's too late." Lexi had tried hard keeping a straight face, her lips twitching.
"Many have eyes for the graceful , sophisticated, ballerina ya' know..." Lexi had coyly began, looking at her nails, barely suppressing the grin on her face.

"Carter Minnow has.  Ronald White has. And....Bryce Dallas." The last name had caught Leo's attention, his head snapping to Lexi. But she was lying about the last part. To get that dumbhead's attention.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be, goth? Like, in a trash-metal band or something?" Leo mocked back, annoyed.

"Guess, I'll have to tell Riley to take the date anyways..." Lexi got up with the most dramatic sigh as possible.

"Wait, what ?!"

Lexi blinked back tears that threatened to spill from her stinging eyes. Why, just why didn't that bastard tell her?Maybe, just maybe things could've been slightly easier to let go...
And may be a little of the Riley could still be left...

Riley focused around her, trying to put a finger on who the stranger might be. Looking around, the stranger gave off the vibe that he was very cheerful and bright. But nobody caught Riley's eyes. She could no longer be that observant even if she tried to. Being observant was close to being worthless.

Leo used to say that sight was the most beautiful thing that God has ever gifted us. So, we should appreciate it and see every nook and cranny of earth. Riley remembered going countless adventures with Leo just simply to...observe.
They even went to the famous old Cloverlind graveyards. And even on late nights.

G R A Y   M E M O R I E S | ✔️completed (edited by me!)Where stories live. Discover now