Chapter 22: Facing the truth...

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Your pov:


Aishhh, this alarm!!! I opened my eyes and take a deep
Breathe, I just don't feel like going outside of this room.I am
Just scared to face these things now.I just wanna escape some
where.....where I will not be hurt~

Bruhhh, Ella~ah wth are you even thinking!?! But I can't face
Things anymore. I have so many questions in my Mind and
No one to answer them......

Then I heard the door opening revealing Jisoo unnie.She said
" Gdmorning Ella~ah, the breakfast is ready.Get ready fast."
I faked out a smile and said" morning unnie, but I really don't
Have the appetite to eat.You guys can eat...."I lied.

Then she sat beside me and said"Ella~ah, You can share me
If you are going through something.Dont bottle them up.
Maybe I can help you."Yes, maybe she can....But no, I can't
Make her worry because of my issues. I think I should tell
Her.Then I said to her" Unnie, do you know that kookie
Purpose me?"

She opened her mouth with a shocked a face and I said"Seems
You don't.Well, kookie purposed me and After that Lisa, She
Is not talking with me, ignoring me.You know she even got in
Trouble but I help her, still she is behaving like that.I know
She likes him so much and it's her first love.But what can I
Do, I can't deny kookie because he had been so much good
To me and Lisa,she is like my sister......."

Then Jisoo Annie puts her hand on my shoulder and said"
Look Ella~ah, In this situation only you can answer yourself.
Do you have feelings for jungkook in that way?"I thought for
A moment and said" I really don't know that." I sigh in stress
And she said" I know Lisa, is like a sister to you and to me too.
She has always been the active one.But in this situation only
One of them can get satisfy.Lisa or Kookie, If you like kookie
Then accept him!!! Lisa will be Moving on later......

But if you don't like kookie in that way, then better say no to
Him.If you say yes, even if you don't like him then you are
Somehow betraying him." I nodded and said"I will keep your
Words in mind thanks unnie."She gives her beautiful smile
And said"no problem, And huh now come with me and eat
Breakfast.No lies...."

I nodded and said"I will be ready just in a minute."I went in
The bathroom did my routine and wore a floral dress, hmmmm Maybe this will make me feel good today lol.

I went dowanwards and saw everyone, sitting in the dining hall,I went towards Jisoo unnie and sat next to her.I saw Lisa glaring at Me and everyone started eating.There was an awkward silence nobody spoke.....


Ahhhh, who's phone is that!?! I quickly stand and it was my phone aishhhh...I pick it up and saw it was Eomma!!!

Eomma: Jagiya!!! How are you?

Me: Eomma, I am all well.How are you and appa and my dongsaeng!? I missed you all so much!!!

Eomma:Arasso, We also missed you.Everything is fine and everyone is Also fine.

Me:Good to hear that!!!

Eomma: Honey, your appa had transferred some money in your account.So make sure that it has been transferred, arraso?

Me: Arasso, eomma!!! Well, you shouldn't have send money, I don't need them, really.

Eomma: come on, take it.I am sure you will need it in future.

Me: Arasso.

Eomma: Okay, I gtg to work bye honey.Lots of love from eomma,appa And your dongsaeng

Me: Eomma Wait!!! I... umm...We.....I

Eomma: honey, please make it faster.I really have to go to work today
The france's company are visiting ours.

Me: um, I will tell you later.For now go~

Eomma : Make sure to tell me later bye.


Should I really ask her? I shouldn't for now, she is already having A hard time.Just wait until I got some proof, wether that person is Really my bro or not? I haven't even seen his face..........

Fighting Y/n!!!



Hello readers, really sorry for the most slowest update!!! I was busy here And there doing stuffs.Hope you like this chapter.Plz vote or comment

Cya readers:-)

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