Trouble in Paradise

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It had been three weeks since the NCIS men left for their mission. During that time, Ziva was placed on call for any team that needed an extra hand. Abby continued work in her lab, but not without cardboard cutouts of McGee, Tony and Gibbs by her side.

Jen could see the not-so-subtle changes in attitude in her daughter, like the lackluster responses, tensely silent car rides and meals, and the fact that she stayed in her room more often. There was nothing she could do to bring the men back from their assigned mission. And their location was classified, so she couldn't tell the girl where her father and brothers were. Despite their absence, Jen felt that she had an opportunity to get some quality time with her only child. It wasn't everyday the two did things together alone, and Jen wanted to do just that while Gibbs was gone.

Jen opened Lexi's room door to see the teen at her keyboard practicing. "Whatever happened to knocking?" Lexi remarked over the song she was playing.

Jen ignored the sarcasm and moved to stand right next to her daughter. "You haven't played in a while."

Lexi shrugged. Jen placed a hand on her shoulder gently. "I was thinking we could go out, just me and you. We could grab lunch then lose ourselves in the mall. Or we could see a movie then go for dinner," Jen suggested. "Or maybe have dinner while we watch a movie?"

Lexi mulled over her mother's suggestions and shrugged again, looking up at her green eyes. "Sure, we could do anything," Lexi answered with a small smile.

Jen grinned widely and beckoned her daughter to follow her. Lexi got up and followed Jen out of her room with a small sigh. She knew her mom was trying to cheer her up, but something inside of her told her to refuse to cooperate.

The pair ended up getting dinner, seeing a movie then returning to the house that night.

Jen set her purse down on the kitchen table. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"

"It was, thanks, Mom," Lexi answered, giving her a genuine smile for the first time in a while. She truly did enjoy the one on one time with her mother, something that wasn't a frequent occurrence due to her job.

Jen went over to her daughter and engulfed her in a tight, loving hug. "My sweet Lexi. I am so grateful for you, my only baby. I love you more than tongue can tell," she murmured lovingly, running her fingers through Lexi's tight curls.

Lexi hugged her mom back and smiled at how thankful she was for a mother who truly cared about her. It was just hard having one parent there and not knowing if the other were okay.

The next day at school, the rebellious streak returned full force.

"Hey, Lex, wanna skip and go have some real fun?" Hannah Davis, her frequent partner in crime, nudged her as she opened her locker.

Lexi hesitated for a moment. Skipping school was something she never would have dared do. Well, that was under different circumstances. Her father wasn't there and her mother would be at work all day until that evening. Maybe she deserved to have some fun.

"It's 7:32, Lex. We have hella time to leave before the bell rings. And you could just tell whoever picks you up that you're gonna hang at my house to study," Hannah coaxed her, noticing her hesitation.

"You know what, yeah. I'll do it. Lemme text Ziva really quick," Lexi decided, whipping out her iPhone and sending a quick message. After, Lexi stuffed her backpack into her locker, taking her wallet with her.

"Shall we ditch this hell?" Hannah remarked, offering her elbow. Lexi beamed mischievously.

"We shall!" Lexi giggled, hooking her arm in her friend's elbow. As they walked down the hall, they ran into Tori.

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