I want to be Happy- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Matt, Nate, Jordan, Cody, Paul and Chris took the coffin in with me and the priest following behind them, as I walked in I looked at the floor until I got to my seat, me and Nate where in the very front row, we both had something to say

"If you will all be seated, James's Sister Laura will say a few words" the priest said, I took a deep breath and stood up looked at the coffin for a moment then walked up to the stand, I looked at every one who had come, he was a popular kid so half the school was there, even the schools bad boy, my baby's daddy, even the teachers were here, I felt tears roll down my eyes.

"James's... well...We had each other, when our mum died he promised he would never leave but now I guess I'm on my own, After my mums funeral we had to live with Nate's parents, when night I couldn't sleep so I went in to James's room and woke him up" I chuckled because he never like to be woken up, I looked back at the coffin before carrying on "As most of you know he never liked being woken up... the one thing he said to me all the ....all the time was that it would always be us against the world, he told me that with me.... I know that even now he'll be with me... I... he's last words were...that he loves me...I couldn't .... I didn't get the chance to... to tell him I loved him back" I said the last few parts trying to catch my breath, I walked over to James's coffin I whispered

"I will always love you" I was about to fall when I saw Nate and Matt run over to me, they helped me walk back to my seat, I leaned into Nate for the rest of the time, I couldn't stop crying, I was wonder how my tears hadn't ran out yet

When he was buried next to my mum I stayed behind sitting on my chair.

People said sorry again, I didn't say anything to any off them, Nate was sitting next to me when my head teacher came over, she had tears as well

"Laura, I'm so sorry hun, I came over to tell you that you can have as much time off as you need, I'll send you your work, I'm so sorry for your lose" she said to me, I was staring at mums and James's grave, at least he had someone, I have no one

My teacher walked away, I really needed time with my family alone

"Nate, could you give me a minute please" I said as I got of my seat and sat between the two graves, I saw him walk away a little bit, he walked over to the other boys.

Nate's POV

"Nate, could you give me a minute please" Laura said as she got of her chair, I didn't know how hard it was for her, she had no family lefted, she sat between her mums grave and James's Grave, I stood up and walked over to the boys, I looked back to see Laura with her hands on her knees, see was crying and I couldn't tell her it would be alright

"Hey, how's she holding up?" Matt asked as he looked over at Laura crying her eyes out, she's never stops crying, whenever I've seen her she crying, I felt bad because I was going to New York in the morning, It brought a tear to my eye when I saw her sitting there

"I have no idea" I said as I watched her after a minute of her crying she kissed each head stone and stood up, we all watched her walk up to us, her eyes were bright red and puffy,

"How you holding up?" one of the boys asked her, she just looked at him,

"I'm going for a walk" she said and walked though us

"Where are you going" I asked her,

"Our special place" she said as she carried on walking, I knew she meant the park, James would go there with her every time she was feeling down

"What does she mean?" Jacob asked me, I watched her walk down the road

"She'd going to the park" I said

"Why would she go there?" Chris asked

"It's where James's took her when she was feeling down, will you look out for her, I have to leave in the morning" I said looking at the boys, they were all like brother's to her and James's but she was closet with me, I know none of them would try anything with her

"Yer sure mate, she can have the spare room at mine, my mum will say yes" Matt said, I was nervous for her to stay there, he had a step brother who was the schools bad boy, but she had no where else to go, I nodded and thanked him.

Laura's POV

I went to far bench form the park and watched everyone get on with the lives, I looked down at my little baby bump I rubbed it

"It's just you and me baby" I whispered I looked up to see Nate and Matt over by the park they were looking around then saw me, they started to walk towards me, when they got to m they sat down either side of me

"Hey ch-icky" Nate said as he nugged my arm

"Hey" I said to him, he put his arm around me, I leaned my head on his shoulder

"Where will I go now Nate?" I asked him I had stopped crying but could feel the tears coming back

"Well I has going to ask if you wanted the spare room at mine, my mum said it was fine with her and Nick" Matt said, I looked at him and smiled, I hugged him and stated crying again he was like another brother to me

"Thank you so much Matt" I said to him, he hugged me back, we all sat on the bench laughing at memories of James's that was the first time since he died that I laughed, we went back to mine and pack all my things up, I was moving to Matt's tonight and Nate was going to stay with us

I took the last box out my room when I looked into James's room, I stood by his door, I put the box on the floor and went into his room, Nate had packed all his things up, I was taking his things with me, Matt said I could be them in the attic, I smiled at the good things he done for me, his last words replayed in my head

"You'll be a great mum"

I held my belly and giggled, I was thinking about when I was 7, mum took as to the park we had got ice cream and James's pushed mine on my face, that was a fun day, that was our family day

"Hey you ready to go?" I heard Matt say, I turned to face him and Nate who were looking at me with sadness, I nodded and walked toward the door, I looked back at his room one more time

"Bye James's" I walked out the door to see the two boys smiling.

"Let's go then" I said with a smile, they chuckled, we drove to Matt's, I was nervous, how long would I be able to stay here, what would I do when the baby comes, the boys walked up driveway and I followed behind, Matt's house was huge, James's said that Matt's step dad was rich but I didn't realize this rich, the house was like a castle, it was beautiful, I walked in with Matt and Nate

"MUM, WE'RE HOME" he shouted, I was nervous about meeting his parents, I was looking around when I saw a woman come out of the kitchen.

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