I want to be Happy- Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Laura POV

It's been two months since Alex has found out, I told Sara what happened that morning, she didn't know what to say.

I have been going to see mum and James more and more, I get comfort from sitting with them, I was sitting in the front room with Lizzy and Matt when I had I shooting plain go through my stomach,  I clutched my stomach.

"Laura? You OK?" Matt asked me, I looked at him and smiled,

"Yer think little ones getting restless" I said with a smile, he nodded and looked back at the TV, the pain went so I relaxed again, we were watching TV when the front door slammed open and I came Alex and his latest toy

"Oh hey, we'll be up stairs" Alex said smiling, the blond girl just laughed as they ran up the stairs, I rubbed my bump when I felt another small pain, I bit my lip to stop my self-making a noise, like the last one it went, but 3 minutes later the pain was back but much worse this time, I bent over in pain and held my stomach

"Laura, what is it?" Matt asked as he sat next to rubbing my back, Lizzy was sitting in front of me, I looked at Matt and saw how worried he was

"I think I just have bad gas, I'm just going to the toilet" I told them with a chuckle, Matt help me off the sofa and I went up stairs to the bathroom, I was about to pull my pants down when I felt warm liquid go down my legs, I felt the back of my thigh and saw that there was blood on my hand, before I knew it I bent over on pain again

"MATT" I screamed, I was holding on to the sink for support when I heard people running towards me, I would have called Sara but her and Nick had gone away for a couple days, I couldn't breathe the pain was getting worse, it wasn't normal for there to be blood, is it?

"LAURA...OH GOD, ALEX CALL AN AMBULANCE" I heard Matt shouting, he came to my side

"Matt, there's not meant to be blood" I said to him, he took my hand and tried making me walk out the room, it hurts so much I couldn't walk

"Matt I can't, it hurts so much" I cried to him,

"OK let's sit down" he sat my learning against the bath, he held me hand and tried to calm me down, Lizzy was crying at the door

"What do you want Matt I was busy" I heard Alex say coming closer to the bath room, Matt keep looking at me

"Laura, you need to breathe" he said to me I rested my head on the bath and nodded I looked at the ceiling, I looked towards the door as I saw Alex waking up putting his shirt on, when I saw him his eyes went wide,

"MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED" he shouted as he ran to the other side of me, I squashed Matt's hand as another shooting pain went though me,

"I have no idea but this is meant to happen, call an ambulance.. now Alex" Matt said to him, Alex pulled his phone out and called for help, Matt sat next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder

"I cant loss him as well Matt" I cried, God seems to hate me, everyone I love is taken away from me, I cant lose my baby as well, I wouldn't be able to live

"Shhh... he's a fighter, he'll be fine" He said to me stoking my hair.

"They said they'll be 5 minutes" Alex said as he stood in front of me, I looked at the doorway and saw Lizzy still crying, I turned to Matt

"Matt, Lizzy" I said to him, he looked towards the door then at Alex "Alex sit with Laura I'll take Lizzy next door then meet you at the hospital" Alex nodded and took Matt's place Next to me, I pushed my head back and screamed as the pain got worse

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