I want to be Happy- Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Oh no what happened? Are you ok?" She asked as she knelt down next to me, I was panicking, the pain in my stomach was still there, I started to cry

"Sara, My stomach, it hurts" I said to her, she stroke my face

"It will be ok" he said to me, she looked at Nick who looked worried

"Get the car round, we need to go to the doctor" she said he just nodded his head and leaved to Kitchen

"Sara what about if I lose it, I can't loss, my baby, it's the only family I have" I cried at her, she helped me of the floor and hugged me

"Laura, I'm so sorry, Do you really think so needs to go to the Doctors?" he said looking at me and Sara

"When she fell what did she land on?" Sara asked him, she was rubbing the bottom of my stomach, it easied the pain

"she fell on her but, why are you rubbing her stomach?" he asked, I looked up at him, I looked at Sara who looked worried

"Right let's get going" she said to me, we walked to the car and went to the doctors

"hello Laura, I hear you had a fall?" the doctor asked me, I nodded and sat on the bed

"ok well lets check the baby, the gels going to be cold" she said to me, I held Sara's hand as we watched to screen

"There they are.... The baby's fine growing nicely with a strong heart beat" she said smiling at me,

"do you want to know the sex?" the doctor asked me

"yes, I would love to" I said with the biggest smile,

"ok ....well you have...a little boy" she said I was happy but I was crying, happy and sad tear, we finished at the doctors and got into the car, I was rubbing my hand over my bump and had tear fall down

"Are you alright dear?" Sara asked me, I looked up at her and smiled weakly

"Do you think we can stop off at the grave yard?" I asked her, she smiled weakly at me and stared to drive, we pulled up and I looked out the window

"Do you want me to come with you dear?" Sara asked me I looked at her

"No, you can go home, I'm going to be here for a while, can you pick me up in an hour or two?" I asked her, I had to spend some time with my family, she smile and nodded, I got out the car and watched her drive away, I walked up to mum and James's grave's, I sat in the middle of them.

"Hey guys... I'm sorry I haven't come to see you in a while." I talked to them about how things where going and random things.

"oh and I'm now 5 months, I got to find out what I'm having.... It's a little boy, I hope he'll be like you James" I said with a few tears "his name will be .... Jack James Applegate... god I miss you guys so much" I said as I learn against both of them, I heard someone clear their throat behind me, I turned around to see Alex standing there

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Sara told me to come and pick you up" he said back to me

"OK well can you wait for in the car?" I asked him, he nodded and turned away, I looked back at mum and James, I said goodbye and walked away from them, I wiped my eyes as Alex's car came into view, I saw Matt sitting in the drivers seat

I opened the door and got in, Matt turned to me

"Hey kido, how you doing?" he asked, I couldn't answer him, I looked at him and just cried, he put him hand on my leg to comfort me

"Can...I use your ,,,phone to ring Nate please" I asked him, I rang Nate every other day, and he would ring me nearly every day, Matt gave me his phone and I dialled Nate's number,

"Hey Matt what's up?" I heard Nate's voice

"Nate, it's Laura" I said to him

"Oh hey, you OK, sounds like you've been crying?" he knew me to well, I told him a couple of weeks ago that I was pregnant, he was happy for me and told me what James told me before he died,

"I found out today" I sniffed down the phone, Matt didn't know so I didn't want to say to much, I heard Matt and Alex talking.

"Oh, what is it, I'm I having a Nicene or a nephew?" he asked me, which made me chuckle that he was more excited than me

"Your, going to have a little James" I said quietly down the phone

"I KNEW IT" he shouted, it was so loud that Matt and Alex where looking at me, I smiled and got out the car, I stood at the back of it

"so how you feeling?" he asked me, I started to cry, I couldn't say anything to him

"Hey...Laura I thought you would be happy... what's wrong" he asked me I finally got my act together to answer him

"im just scared, I don't want him taken away from me" I said to him

"Laura, nothing will happen to him, If his anything like his Uncle James he'll be a fighter"" he said to me

"If James was a fighter he would still be alive, sorry I have to go" I said and put the phone down I got of the car and went to turn around when I saw Matt standing in front of me, he looked shocked and confused.

what did he hear ??

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