I want to be Happy- Chapter 4

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hey, i'm putting a few chapters up so i hope you enjoy :) xxx

Chapter 4

"Hello dear's" she said, I knew her I just wasn't sure from where

"You my dear must be Laura, I'm sorry about your brother, he was a nice boy" She said to me, I felt a tear fall, I thought I had done with the crying

"Mum, she's only just stopped crying" Matt said,

"It's OK Matt really" I said smiling at him, I looked at his mum "sorry, but I think I've meet you before?" I said to her, she stood there studying me then she smiled at me

"You were the girl at the graveyard a week ago?" She was to women that come over to me,

"Yer that would be me" I said quietly,

"well, let's introduce you to the rest of the family" she said with a smile, Matt and Nate walked to the front room as the women came and held my hand and lead me to the front room, there was a man which I'm guessing was Matt's step dad then there was a little girl, I saw someone I thought I would never see, my baby's daddy.

"Everyone, I want you to meet someone" The women said, everyone looked at me,

"Laura this is, Nick, my husband, oh and I'm Sara" she said as Nick came up to me,

"I'm sorry to hear about your brother Laura" he said, I just smiled, I had to fight my tears not to come out,

"This is Alex" Sara said pointing to baby's daddy, he watched me till he jumped up with a smirk planted on his face,

"You're the one night I had aren't you?" he said, Matt and Nate looked at me

"OH, Is that right?" Nate said crossing his arms looking at me, I looked at the floor and blushed so much i felt like my face was on fire now everyone knew I had sex with him

"Any way, this little angle is Lizzy" Sara said as the little girl came up to me

"My mummy said that you have to stay with us because your family's in heaven?" she looked about 7, I couldn't hold back the tear that rolled down my face

"Yer, that's right" I said to her, I had to get out of here before I started to cry again

"It was nice meeting you all but could you excuse me please" I said, they all just nodded at me, I walked past Matt and Nate who gave me sad smiles, I walked out the front door and walked to a bench that was on the grass, I sat on it and out crossed my legs, I let all the tears out, I tried to muffle my cries by putting my hand on my mouth heard some one walk behind me, I wiped my tears away but I couldn't stop crying, I felt arms wrap around me, they were Sara arms, I lent into her and cried.

"I heard you talking about something that day" she said, I shoot up, I was hoping she didn't hear about me being pregnant.

"What did you hear?" I asked nervously she played with the tips of my hair them looked at me

"I know that you have baby on the way, before you start to worry I won't tell anyone but I have to tell Nick, don't worry about where you will live when the baby comes, you can stay here for as long as you need" she said to me, I smiled and hugged her

"Thank you so much Sara" I said to her, she pulled away from me and put her hands on my shoulders

"But I need to know... is  ...is it Alex's?" she asked me, I stared into her eyes; I had no idea what to say

"Umm... I..." I couldn't lie to her but I didn't want to tell her, she smiled at me

"It's alright hun, I won't tell him till you're ready, how far along are you?" she asked me

"I'm nearly 4 months" I said while rubbing my bump, it had started to show so I wore bigger cloths

"When's your next appointment?" she asked me

"Next month, I get to find out what I'm having" I said with a smile, she laughed, we sat there talking about a load of different things, it was getting late so I went to my new room and went to sleep, the next morning I said goodbye to Nate, we promised each other that we would call at least every other day

I have been living with Matts family for a mouth now, it was nice to have people around me, Lizzy was so sweet, she called me her sister which was really nice, Nick was like the dad I never had, Sara was like a mum to me, and I haven't really seen or spoken much to Alex which I was thankful for, Sara still hasn't told me, we had talked about school, she said she would talk to my heard teacher and say that I was going to be touted at home, I was going to go back to school a little while after the baby's born

It was 10 and my appointment was at 11 so I got up and went to the bathroom, I got in the shower, I washed my hair and everything else I put on a lose top and some jogging bottoms, the top was a bit tight so It showed my bump a little bit, I didn't show  it to much so I thought it would be fine, I walked out the bathroom and went to the kitchen, I saw Sara sitting drinking her coffee

"Morning hun" she said to me

"Morning" I said back, I went to the fridge and grappled the pickles, and then I got the chocolate spread out the cupboard

"Cravings?" Sara asked me, I nodded and laughed, she laughed as I made my sandwich, I sat next to Sara

I ate it in no time and had to have another one, I was about to get up when I felt a wired feeling in my stomach, I clutched my bump and looked down at it

"What is it?, are you OK?" Sara said in a panicked voice, I looked up at her and smiled

"I think the baby kicked" I told her, she smiled at me, I got her hand and put it where I felt the kick, we waited for a few seconds, the baby kicked again, she looked up at me, and smiled, she had a tear, I we laughed as we sat there for a couple of minutes feeling the baby kicked, we heard someone walk down the stairs, we moved our hands from my bump as Alex came in, he looked at me like he felt something for me

"Morin dear" Sara said

"Laura hunnie do you want to get going" she asked me

"Yer, I going to make a snack to take with me" I said back to her, she nodded, I got up and went to make another sandwich, Alex was sitting in the seat in front of me, I made my sandwich when I looked at me

"What the hell are you eating?" he asked me,

"a snack" I said back as I took a bite out of it, I saw Sara leave to the kitchen, I was about o walk out when Alex pulled my arm, I lost my balance and feel on the floor in front of him

It really hurt my backside when I feel, I was lucky that I didn't fall on my bump, but I did hurt my back, I laid on the floor when Alex keeled next to me

"Omg, sorry I didn't mean to" he said he panicked, I sat up and felt a pain shoot though my stomach, I winched on pain a help my stomach

"Please.. Get Sara" I said to him, he ran out the room and came back with Sara and Nick.

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