chapter 2

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John's father once told him that the sea is the source of every living creature and what the sea gives, you take.

Those words couldn't be more precise as for now, John saw the creature that laid on his old sofa as a gift, from the sea to him, and what a wonderful gift it was...

The unconscious young man was simply and utterly gorgeous , John brushed the locks that covered the man's face, revealing the soft yet slightly feminine features , even though he looked pale, he still managed to keep a vibrant color to his skin, so lively and warm...

And the man's lips, they were slightly parted, pink and alluring , John touched them, the velvet texture sending blessed shivers down his spine , he craved to feel them against his own, pressing hard with determination , stealing his breath .

His eyelashes were dark and long, oh how he wished for the divine creature to open his eyes and let John get drown in their color ...

John never saw men as attractive , however he barely stopped himself from touching the beautiful body infront of him, he dragged his fingers along the tail fascinated ...

John's eyes trailed the figure infront of him and stopped in wonder at his neck, gills...

John panicked , what if the creature needs water?

"Watch over him!" He commanded Billy that didn't stop sniffing the creature , John exited the cabin , running to the back , there he found what he needed .

He dragged the inflatable pool into the cabin and quickly inflated , using the air pump, the pool usually used as a bath for Billy but it would work.

He grabbed a bucket and rushed outside , after a minute he returned with sea water , he did the action again and again until the pool was filled , by then he was tired and sweaty, he carried the man and placed him in the pool , hoping that he'll recover .

The man stirred and slowly slid underwater, letting the water heal him , his tail too long to fit in. The reaction was immediate , the creature awakened , opening his eyes and glancing upwards , at the figure outside the water.

Billy started barking and the creature came to realization , he was no longer in the sea.

"Shh! You're scaring him!" John hushed Billy as the creature trashed in the water, making the floor wet, "stop! I'm not going to hurt you!" John tried to calm him but the young man was terrified of the human infront of him.

John decided that Billy wasn't helping so he opened the door and gestured for the dog to leave , Billy hesitated but eventually complied .

After closing the door John turned his attention back to the frantic creature , admiring his deep blue eyes .

"Please stop that..." his voice was soothing , he took a step and the creature splashed water violently , John stepped back immediately , " okay, I'm not getting closer ,see?" He raised his hands in an unthreatening manner , a few more minutes of not moving and the creature understood that the human won't move without his consent .

John smiled briefly , "can you speak English ? Do you understand me?" He asked slowly , receiving a nod from the creature .

"I'm John , what's your name?" The creature looked at John warily before answering , " Avalon ..." John insides melt as he heard the angelic voice speaking , so tender and timid, so capturing ...

"Release me" the rich voice spoke again , this time with more confident .

"W-what?" John was confused .

"Release me " the creature repeated , " I belong in the sea" he added more quietly .

John came to realization , the creature wanted to go back to the sea, the thought of them departing from each other saddened him, he wanted the creature to stay with him more if possible .

"You're injured ..." John tried miserably to come up with excuses , "you can't go back like that..."

Avalon scoffed ," the sea is my cure, now carry me to the water human!" Avalon wanted the comfort of the waves , he didn't feel safe here at land.

Avalon gasped as he saw the expression on the human's face, he looked so sad and devastated , "please stay... " John begged , Avalon eyed him curiously , is it possible that the human is like that because of him? Did he want him to stay so badly ?

Avalon was intrigued .

"John is your name ?" Avalon didn't miss the shiver of the human as he called his name and he felt content .

"Give me one good reason to stay " the merman said smirking , John knew right away that the creature infront of him felt superiority , John needed to show him that it wasn't the case.

"Well , it's not like you can leave by yourself ..." John grinned but regretted as Avalon narrowed his eyes at him and glared .

He didn't want Avalon to hate him or feel as if he's captive , he wished for Avalon to acknowledge him as a friend maybe even more , he knew they only met and he knew that Avalon wasn't something usual but he still wished for that...

"Sorry..." Avalon blinked curiously as John apologized, forgetting all his anger, the human surprised him, he was so soft towards him .

Avalon eyed John carefully for the first time, taking in his manly features , the human was handsome , with dark short hair and warm brown eyes that were staring right at him, Avalon no longer felt afraid .

There was something in the way John stared at him that made him feel tingly and flushed and he wanted to explore those sensations .

"I'll stay" he stated, his heart skipped a bit at the smile John sent him...

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