chapter 5

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"Tell me something about yourself ..."

John placed kisses on Avalon's neck , his hand caressing the merman's tale, John wanted to touch Avalon more, he wanted to embrace him and show him how much he loved him and desired him, but he couldn't , Avalon didn't have the body of a human, therefore he could only dream.

"Avalon?" John nuzzled Avalon's long silky hair awaiting for Avalon to speak, John loved the scent of sea from Avalon 's hair, it was making him dizzy.

Avalon hummed , "I can't tell you John ..." he closed his eyes and leaned to the human's touch, oh how much he wanted to share his story with John but it was forbidden for him to reveal secrets that stayed hidden from humans for a long time, he couldn't tell about the place he came from or why he knew humans language and more nor about those who belonged like him to the sea.

"I'm a child of the sea and that's all I can tell..."

Avalon shouldn't have got involved with humans in the first case but it wasn't his fault that he got caught in the tsunami ...

"But I want to know more about you and I want to tell you about myself as well!" John scowled , " I don't want to hear about you and I can't tell you about myself " Avalon immediately regreted saying that, it came harsher than intended , John became stiff , his hands stopped touching Avalon .

"John..." Avalon sighed and turned to face the human who's eyes were averted , not meeting Avalon's magnificent ones , " please look at me..." Avalon cupped John's face with his delicate hands ," John ..." Avalon waited for John to look at him, he kissed him as encouragement and it worked , John finally looked .

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you, I just can't tell you about myself and I think it would be rude of me if you did tell about yourself , moreover it's ... pointless ..." Avalon added the last part quietly but John heard.

" what do you mean ?" John searched Avalon's eyes .

"Avalon ..." John's voice was low and demanding .

"I-I won't stay here for much longer..." Avalon said defeated , his heart was aching .

John stood at once , a determined expression on his face, " you're not leaving ! I won't let you!" John moved fast, with panic , he carried furniture s , blocking the entrance of the cabin.

He was frantic , there's no way he was letting Avalon leave him!

For the first time in his life he felt truly happy , he was no longer alone, he loved Avalon ! Loved!

They were meant to be, Avalon was a gift given to him by the sea, a ray of light that shined in the darkness that surrounded him, darkness he wasn't aware of ...

"John! Stop! " Avalon called , stretching his hand, John kept moving things until he was content and sure that Avalon couldn't escape , he was sweating but satisfied .

He turned with a grin to Avalon , " there! ".

Avalon was laughing and chocking on air, John gave him a confused look, " what?" He asked puzzled .

"Did you really think I could WALK through that door?!" Avalon was crying out of laughter , " you trapped us both inside !" John turned red with embarrassment , he really didn't think this through , how was he supposed to go fishing like that? And besides , Avalon did have some problem with walking ...

John chuckled and went to Avalon , crouching beside him, " I guess I did..." he pulled Avalon to a passionate kiss, he would take care of the mess he made later...

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